Book design is the art of combining the content, style, format, design, and order of the various components and elements of the book into a coherent whole. In the words of famous typographer Jan Tschichold (1902-1974), the design of the book, "though largely forgotten today, [depends on] methods and rules that are impossible to repair, [and that] have been developed over the centuries. perfect books, these rules must be revived and applied ". Richard Hendel describes the design of the book as a "mysterious subject," and refers to the need for context to understand what that means.
Video Book design
Modern books are split up sequentially, and all pages are counted in pagination whether the numbers appear or not. The page number, or folio, is most commonly found at the top of the page, flush left verso, right flush recto. Folio can also be printed at the bottom of the page, and at that location is called a drop folio. Drop folio usually appears either centered on each page or flush left verso and flush recto right.
Front material
The front material (or introduction, shortened to "prelims") consists of the first part of the book, and is usually the smallest part in terms of page count. The material-front page is traditionally numbered in small-case Roman numerals (i, ij, iij, iv, v, etc.), which prevents the re-numbering of the remainder of the book when the content of the front is added at the last moment, such as the dedication or thank-you page additional. Page numbers are omitted on blank pages and display pages (ie, stand-alone pages such as those for half titles, faces, title pages, colophon, dedication, and inscriptions), and it's either omitted or drop folio used on the opening page of each section material (eg, table of contents, preface, introduction). The material generally only appears in the first multi-volume work, although some elements (such as tables of contents or indexes) can appear in every volume.
The following table defines some common types of front materials, and "sounds" (or viewpoints) in which each can be said to be given:
Body material
The structure of a work - and especially body material - is often depicted hierarchically.
- Volume
- A volume is a set of leaves tied together. So each job is volume, or divided into volume.
- Books and sections
- Single volume work works for most non-academic consumer markets in the book. One volume can be part of a book or whole book; in some works, the passage includes many books, while in other parts, the book may consist of several parts.
- Chapters and sections
- A chapter or section may be contained in sections or books. When both chapters and sections are used in the same work, the parts are more often contained in the chapters than the back.
- Modules and units
- In some books, chapters are grouped into larger sections, sometimes called modules. The chapter numbering can be started again at the beginning of each module. In educational books, in particular, the chapters are often called units.
The first page of the actual text of the book is the opening page, which often incorporates special design features, such as initials. Arabic numbering starts on this first page. If text is introduced with a second-half title or opened with a section title, half the title or section title is counted as page one. As in the case of the front, page numbers are omitted on a blank page, and a deleted or drop folio is used on the opening page of each section and chapter. On pages containing only illustrations or tables, page numbers are usually omitted, except in case of a sequence of numbers or long tables.
Here are two instructive examples:
- Lord of the Rings has three parts (either in one volume each, or in one volume), with each section containing two books, each containing, on turn, some chapters.
- The Christian Bible (usually bundled as one volume) is divided into two "testaments" (which may be more often described as "parts", and differ in length by a factor of three or four), respectively contains dozens of books, each of which in turn contains several chapters, most commonly divided (for citation purposes) into "verses" each containing about one independent clause.
Re-issue (end matter)
The back material, also known as the final material, when used, usually comprises one or more of the following components:
Arabic numbering continues for back problems.
Maps Book design
Front cover, spine, and back cover of dust-jacket
The front cover is the front of the book, and is marked appropriately by the text or graph to identify it as such (ie as the beginning of this book). The front cover usually contains at least a title or author, with the right possible illustrations.
On the inside of the cover page, extending to the facing page is the front endpage sometimes referred to as FEP. The final half of free paper is called flyleaf . Traditionally, in books tied hands, endpings are just a blank sheet of paper or ornate physically covering and strengthening the relationship between the cover and body of the book. In modern publishing can be innocent, as in many text-oriented books, or various ornaments and illustrated in books such as picture books, other children's literature, some arts and crafts and hobby books, novelty/gifts and coffee table books, and graphic novels. These books have their own audiences and traditions where graphic design and immediacy are crucial and the tradition of publishing and formality is less important.
The spine is the vertical edge of the book as it usually stands on a bookcase. It is customary to print text on it. In text published or printed in the United States and the United Kingdom, the text of the spine, when vertical, runs from top to bottom, such that the upper right side when the book lies flat with the front cover on top. In books from continental Europe, the vertical spine text traditionally runs from the bottom up, although this convention has changed recently. The spine usually contains all, or some, of the four elements (other than decorations, if any), and in the following order: (1) author, editor, or compiler; (2) the title; (3) the issuer; and (4) the publisher's logo.
On the inside of the back cover page, extending from the previous facing page, is the endpaper. The design matches the front endpad and, according to it, contains paper or plain patterns, drawings, etc.
The back cover often contains biographical material about the author or editor, and quotes from other sources that praise the book. It may also contain a book summary or description
Books are classified into two categories according to the physical nature of their bonds. The designation of hardcover (or hardback) refers to books with stiff covers, not flexible ones. The binding of hardcover books usually includes boards (often made of cardboard) covered with cloth, leather, or other materials. Binding is usually stitched to the page using a stitching string.
The cheaper binding methods are those used for cover books (sometimes called softback or softcover). Most novels are tied to paper or lightweight boxes, though other materials (such as plastics) are used. The cover is flexible and usually tied to the page using glue (perfect binding). Some small paperback books are classified as pocket books. These books are smaller than usual - small enough not to fit into the pocket (especially the back pocket of one's trousers). However, the capacity to enter into the pocket decreases with the increase in the number of pages and the increase in book thickness. Such books may still be designated as pocket books.
More items
Some books like the Bible or dictionary may have thumb indexes to help find the material quickly. Gold leaf can also be applied on the edge of the page, so that when closed, side, top, and bottom of the book has a golden color. In some books, the design can be printed on the edge, or marbling or simple colors are applied. Some artist's books go even further, using front-to-edge painting. Popup elements and folding pages can be used to add dimensions to a page in different ways. Children's books usually incorporate various design features built into the book material. Some books for preschoolers include textured fabrics, plastic on other materials. The die-cut technique in Eric Carle's work is one example. Clear or reflective surfaces, flaps, textiles and scratches-and-sniffing are another possible feature.
Page spread
The basic unit in the book design is the scattered page. The left page (called verso ) and the right-hand page (called recto ) share the same size and aspect ratio, and center on the ditch where they are tied together in the spine.
The design of each page, on the other hand, is governed by the construction canon of the page.
The possible layout of the alphabet letter set, or words, on the page is determined by what is called the print space, and is also an element in book page design. Obviously, there should be enough space, on the back of the book, if the text should be visible. On the other hand, the other three page margins, which frame the book, are made to the right size for practical and aesthetic reasons.
Print space
The print space (in German Satzspiegel ) is a typographic term and determines the effective area on paper books, journals or other press works. The print space is limited by the surrounding border, or in other words a ditch outside the print area.
The German term comes from the arrangement of hot metal letters: on the desktop is a mirror (German: Spiegel ) where the letter typer can read the letter upside down.
See also
- The Galley Proof
- Letterpress
- Page numbering
- Visual design
- Other book types
- Interactive children's books
- Interactive fiction
- Pop-up book
Further reading
- Hendel, Richard, On Book Design . New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998. ISBNÃ, 0-300-07570-7.
- Hochuli, Jost, and Robin Kinross, Designing Books: Practice and Theory . London: Hyphen Press, 1996. ISBNÃ, 0-907259-08-1.
- Bruno, Michael H., Pocket Pal: A Practical Book of Graphic Art Production . 19th Edition. Memphis, TN: International Paper, 2003. ISBNÃ, 0-88362-488-5.
- Lee, Marshal, Bookmaking: Editing, Design, Production . Third edition. New York [dst.]: W. W. Norton and Company, 2004. ISBNÃ, 0-393-73018-2.
- Lommen, Mathieu, Books: 500 Years of Graphic Innovation . London: Thames & amp; Hudson, 2012. ISBNÃ, 0-500-51591-3.
- Chicago Press University, Chicago Style Manual , 15th ed. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 2003. ISBNÃ, 0-226-10403-6 (hardcover): ISBNÃ, 0-226-10405-2 (hardcover with CD-ROM): ISBNÃ, 0-226-10404- 4 (CD-ROM).
- Chicago Press University, Chicago Style Manual , 15th edition, ed Online. (Chicago: Released September 29.)
External links
- Walter Hamady and Perishable Press Limited
- Designing The Painted Bird
- Alcuin Community Book Design Award
- Elbert Hubbard, Dard Hunter, and Book Design at Roycroft Press
- Five Simple Steps for Designing a Grid System
- How to Select the Best Font for Print
- Dutch Art and Deco Art Book Design
- Merle Armitage: Impresario Design Book
- Tribute to Richard Eckersley: An Exemplary Designer
- Design binding and conservation of papers from antique books, albums and documents
- The Rollo Books by Jacob Abbott: first edition design example
- "Signs - Books - Networks" virtual exhibition of the German Books and Writing Museum, i.a. with thematic modules in book design
- Design Handbook of Catalogs - Principles of marketing so typography, printing and glossary industry standards applied for catalog design
Source of the article : Wikipedia