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President Herbert Hoover: 1929-1933 : Center for Online Judaic Studies

Herbert Clark Hoover (August 10, 1874 - October 20, 1964) was an American engineer, businessman and politician who served as the 31st President of the United States from 1929 to 1933 during the Great Depression. A Republican, as Secretary of Commerce in the 1920s, he introduced themes of efficiency within the business community and provided government support for standardization, efficiency and international trade. As president from 1929 to 1933, his domestic program was overshadowed by the Great Depression. Hoover was defeated in the 1932 election by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt. After this loss, Hoover became conservative, and advocated Roosevelt's policy on the New Deal.

As a lifelong Quaker, he became a successful mining engineer with a global perspective. He built an international reputation as a humanitarian by leading international aid efforts in Belgium during World War I, 1914-1917. When the US entered the war in 1917, he became a "food expert" as head of the US Food Administration with responsibility for many national food supplies and massive advertising campaigns to help consumers customize and save. He worked with President Woodrow Wilson and the cabinet, and obtained a large national audience. After the war, he led the American Relief Administration, which provided food to residents of Central and Eastern Europe. Hoover was popular among the progressives as a potential candidate in the 1920 presidential election, but his candidacy quickly subsided. Republican Warren G. Harding won and appointed Hoover as Secretary of Commerce. Hoover is a very active and visible cabinet member, known as "Trade Secretary and Deputy Secretary of all other departments." Hoover won the Republican nomination in 1928, and defeated Democrat Al Smith in a landslide. Hoover avoids the anti-Catholics that hurt Smith, but in times of peace and prosperity, his success is very possible.

The Great Depression was the central issue of his presidency, beginning with Wall Street Crash in October 1929. Sometimes there was an increase, but more frequent downswings until the economy suffered a disaster in 1931-33, along with most of the industrial world. Hoover pursued various policies in an effort to lift the economy, but opposed direct federal aid efforts until the end of his tenure. He asked business and labor leaders to avoid wage cuts and job stoppages, and to raise taxes in the hope of balancing the budget. In 1930, he reluctantly agreed to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which sent foreign trade down. The economy continues to fall, and the unemployment rate rises to 25%, with heavy industry, mining, and wheat and cotton farming hitting very hard. In 1932 Hoover signed a major public works bill and established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which was designed to provide government loans to banks, trains and big businesses in danger of failure. The downward economic spiral, along with the forced dissolution of the Bonus Army, set the stage for Hoover's big defeat by Roosevelt, who promised the New Deal.

Hoover became a conservative spokesman who opposed Roosevelt's foreign policies. He was opposed to entering the Second World War and was not called to serve in public roles during the war. He has a better relationship with President Harry S. Truman, and Hoover helped produce a number of reports that changed the policy of US occupation in Germany. Truman also appointed Hoover to lead the Hoover Commission, which is intended to encourage greater efficiency across federal bureaucracies, and Hoover serves on a similar commission under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. By the time of his death in 1964, he had restored his image. However, Hoover in general does not have a high rank in the history of the President of the United States.

Video Herbert Hoover

Family background and early life

Herbert Hoover was born on August 10, 1874 in West Branch, Iowa. He was the only president born in the state, and the first was born west of the Mississippi River. His father, Jesse Hoover (1849-1880), was a shopkeeper of a German smith and agricultural smith (Pfautz, Wehmeyer), German-Swiss (Huber, Burkhart) and an English ancestor. Jesse Hoover and his father Eli moved to Iowa from Ohio twenty years earlier. Hoover's mother, Hulda Randall Minthorn (1849-1884), was born in Norwich, Ontario, Canada and of British and Irish descent. Both parents are Quakers.

The Hoover family is particularly prominent in the city's public prayer life because almost entirely from Hulda's role in his church. His father, who was recorded by the local newspaper for a "pleasant and bright disposition", died in 1880. After working for his husbands retirement pension, retaining their life insurance, and caring for children, his mother died in 1884, leaving Hoover (age) nine), his older brother, and his younger sister as orphans. Quaker colleague Lawrie Tatum was appointed Hoover guardian.

After a short stay with one of his grandmother in Kingsley, Iowa, Hoover lives 18 months ahead with his uncle, Allen Hoover in the West Branch. In November 1885, he went to Newberg, Oregon, to live with his uncle. John Minthorn, a doctor and entrepreneur whose son has died the previous year. The Minthorn family is considered culturally and educating, and instilling a strong work ethic. The observer, including Minthorn himself, describes Hoover for not being happy with the long days of hard work he experienced while living with the Minthorn family. Hoover attended the Friends Pacific Academy (now George Fox University), but stopped at the age of thirteen to become an office assistant to his real estate office in Salem, Oregon. Although he did not attend high school, Hoover attended the night school and studied bookkeeping, typing, and mathematics.

Hoover entered Stanford University in 1891, his inaugural year, after failing in all entrance exams (except mathematics) and then being guided for the summer in Palo Alto. Hoover claimed to be the first student at Stanford, for being the first person in the first class to sleep in a dormitory. Hoover works various side jobs to support himself, and struggles in many classes, especially English. But he found happiness at Stanford that had previously avoided him.

Hoover had been unsure of his department before arriving at Stanford, but his position for geologist John Casper Branner convinced him to move to geology, and Hoover was interned for Branner and the US Geological Survey over the summer. Despite his embarrassment amongst his fellow students at first, Hoover won the election as a student treasurer and was known for his displeasure for fraternity and association. In his senior year, he became infatuated with a classmate named Lou Henry, but his financial situation precluded marriage. Hoover graduated from Stanford in 1895, in the middle of Panic of 1893, and initially struggled to find work.

While at the university he is a student manager of baseball and soccer teams and is part of the inaugural Big Game against rivals University of California and Friends (Cal Manager) Herbert Lang. Only 10,000 tickets were printed for the first game and 20,000 people showed up. Hoover and Lang should find pots, bowls, and other containers available to collect entry fees. Stanford won the game. In 1892 Hoover invited the Polish composer, Ignacy Jan Paderewski to give a charity concert. Hoover and his colleagues can not pay Paderewski all honors. Musicians after hearing their story return the money to them so they can pay the rent of the concert hall. In 1919, Paderewski, now Polish prime minister, traveled to America to thank the head of the American Relief Administration for assisting Poland. "It's all right, Mr. Paderewski," Hoover replied. "Besides, you did not remember it, but you once helped me when I was a student on campus and I was in a hole."

Maps Herbert Hoover

Mining engineer


After graduation, Hoover worked in the Nevada City gold mining district and Grass Valley, California, before landing jobs at Louis Janin's mining engineering firm. Hoover went to Western Australia in 1897 as an employee of Bewick, Moreing & amp; Co., a gold mining company based in London. His geological training and work experience is well suited for corporate purposes. He works in gold mines in Big Bell, Cue, Gwalia, Menzies, and Coolgardie.

Hoover first went to Coolgardie, then East Goldfields center, where he worked under Edward Hooper, a corporate partner. The harsh conditions in this gold field even though he gets a salary of $ 5,000 (equivalent to $ 100,000 today). In the coastal areas of Coolgardie and Murchison on the edge of the Great Victoria Desert, Hoover describes the area as a land of "blackflies, red dust, and white heat". He serves as a geologist and mining engineer while looking for Western Australian gold fields for investment. A poem (written for a barman he meets) and an antique mirror gifted by Hoover can still be found today at The Palace Hotel, in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia. After being appointed as a mine manager at the age of 23, he headed a massive expansion program for the Sons of Gwalia gold mine in Gwalia, and brought many Italian immigrants to cut costs and fight the Australian miners' labor movement. Hoover became opposed to measures such as minimum wages and workers' compensation, feeling that they were unfair to the owners. In 1898, Hoover was promoted to a junior partner by his employer, who was pleased with Hoover's talent and devotion to his work. After getting promoted, he sends his college lover, Lou Henry, asking him to marry him. After he sent his approval back, Hoover briefly returned to the United States to marry her. Hoover and his wife have two children: Herbert Charles Hoover (1903-1969) and Allan Henry Hoover (1907-1993).

Instead of returning to Australia, Hoover and his new wife went to China. Open hostility has developed between Hoover and his boss Ernest Williams, with Hoover persuading four other mining managers to conspire against his rival. Destructive of the situation, the company's principal offers an attractive promotion to Hoover who moved him to China. While in Gwalia, Hoover first met Fleury James Lyster, a pioneering metallurgist. In Western Australia friends called Hoover "H.C." or the old "Columbia Hail" nickname.

China and other global operations

The Hoovers lived in China from April 1899 to August 1900. Hoover's work in China revolves around a very large Kaiping Mines. Hoover worked as chief engineer for the Chinese Mining Bureau, and as general manager for Engineering and Mining Corporation of China. Then he worked for Bewick, Moreing & amp; Co. as the chief engineer of the company. Hoover's wife studied Mandarin and she also learned several languages ​​when she worked in China; It is said that they used it during their tenure at the White House when they wanted to thwart the bugs.

Hoover made recommendations to improve many Chinese workers, ending the practice of forcing long-term slavery contracts and instituting reforms for performance-based workers. The Boxer Rebellion entrapped Hoovers in Tianjin in June 1900. For nearly a month, the settlement was set on fire, and both dedicated themselves to defending their city. Hoover himself led the US Marines around Tianjin during the battle, using his knowledge of the local terrain. Mrs Hoover, meanwhile, devotes her efforts in various hospitals and even uses, and by volunteering and appropriately deploying.38 caliber pistols.

Hoover made partner in Bewick, Moreing & amp; Co. on December 18, 1901 and was responsible for Australian operations and investments. Initial compensation rose to $ 12,500 each year in addition to the 20% share of the profits. The company eventually controlled at one point about 50% of gold production in Western Australia. In 1901, Hoover no longer lived in Australia, but he visited the country in 1902, 1903, 1905, and 1907 as an overseas investor.

Hoover is also a director of the Chinese Engineering and Mining Company (CEMC) when it became an immigrant labor supplier from Southeast Asia for the South African mine. The first shipment of nearly 2,000 workers arrived in Durban from Qinhuangdao in July 1904. In 1906, the total number of immigrant workers increased to 50,000, almost entirely recruited and sent by CEMC. When the living conditions and work of the workers are known, public opposition to the scheme grows and questions are raised in the British Parliament. The scheme was abandoned in 1911.

Acting as a major investor, funder, mining speculator and male organizer, Hoover played a leading role in important metallurgical developments taking place in Broken Hill, New South Wales in the first decade of the twentieth century, developments that have had a major impact on mining and production silver, lead, and zinc. In August-September 1905, he founded the Seng Company (eventually part of the Rio Tinto Group) with William Baillieu and others. The silver tin ore produced in Broken Hill is rich in zinc. But zinc can not be recovered because of the "Sulphide Problem", and is left in the remaining tailings after silver and tin are extracted.

Zinc Corporation proposes to buy tailings and extract zinc with a new process. The flotation process of the foam was then developed at Broken Hill, although the Seng Company fought to implement it. F. J. Lyster, originally a carpenter before becoming a foreman at the gravity plant, refined the "Lister Process", allowing the Seng Company to operate the world's first selective or differential flotation plant. According to Geoffrey Blainey, although the process is not fully understood, the patent was applied in May 1912. Hoover wrote, "Broken Hill is one of the most bleak places in the world today.It is located in the middle of the desert, unusually hot in summer, fresh water, no vegetation, and tailing mountains blowing into every crevice with every wind blob. "Despite these depressing conditions, Hoover and his colleagues became the world's leading supplier of zinc and other essential minerals.

Single owner

In 1908, Hoover became an independent mining consultant, traveling throughout the world until the outbreak of World War I in 1914. He left Bewick, Moreing & amp; Co and, leaving alone, eventually ended up investing in every continent and office in San Francisco, London, New York City, St. Petersburg, Paris and Mandalay, Burma. He specializes in rejuvenating troubled mining operations, taking part of the benefits in return for his technical and financial expertise. In later years Hoover thought of himself and his colleagues as "technical doctors for sick concerns", hence his reputation as a "mine sick Doctor".

He has a successful second venture with the British company Burma Corporation, again producing large quantities of silver, lead and zinc at the Btudwin Namtu Mine, where he captured malaria in 1907. He also helped increase copper production in Kyshtym, Russia, through the use of pyrite smelting. Then he agreed to run one of the Russian Tsar Cabinet Miners, located in the Altai Mountains. The oxidized tin-zinc-oxide ore contains copper and gold as well. According to Hoover, "It may develop the single largest ore and richest ore body known in the world" before the Communist Revolution.

In his spare time, Hoover wrote. His lectures at Columbia and Stanford Universities were published in 1909 as the Principles of Mining , which became the standard textbook. This book reflects his steps towards Progressive ideals, because Hoover came to legalize eight hours of work and organize laborers. Hoover and his wife also published an English translation of the classical mining 1556 De re metallica in 1912. This translation of the Latin Renaissance writer Georgius Agricola is still the most important scientific version and provides its historical context.

In 1914, Hoover was a very wealthy man, with a personal fortune of about $ 4 million. Hoover also stood at last to get what he later described as "the great wealth of this Russian industry, perhaps more than good for anyone." Sixty-six years after opening the mine in 1897, Hoover still had a partial section in the Sons of Gwalia mine when it finally closed in 1963, just one year before the death of the former president in New York City in 1964. Successful mining has earned $ 55 million gold and $ 10 million dividends to investors.

31st President - Raw Herbert Hoover Dollar Coin - American ...

Humanitarian work

Help in Europe and Belgium

When World War I began in August 1914, Hoover helped regulate the return of about 120,000 Americans from Europe. He leads 500 volunteers in distributing food, clothing, steamship tickets and cash. "I did not realize it this time, but on August 3, 1914, my career ended forever, I was on the path of a slick public life." Hoover likes to say that the difference between dictatorship and democracy is simple: dictators set top-down, bottom-up democracies.

When Belgium faced a food crisis after being attacked by Germany in 1914, Hoover made an unprecedented relief effort with the Commission for Assistance in Belgium (CRB). As chair of the CRB, Hoover worked with Belgian leaders Comità ©  © National de Secours et d'Alimentation (CNSA), ÃÆ'â € ° mil Francqui, to feed the entire nation during the war. CRB acquired and imported millions of tonnes of foodstuffs for CNSA to distribute, and oversaw the CNSA to ensure the German army did not fit the food. CRB became a truly independent independence republic, with flags, navy, factories, factories, and railroads. Private donations and government grants (78%) provide a budget of $ 11 million per month.

Over the next two years, Hoover worked 14 hours a day from London, managing the distribution of over two million tons of food to nine million war victims. In the early form of shuttle diplomacy, he crossed the North Sea forty times to meet with the German authorities and persuade them to allow the delivery of food, becoming an international hero. The Belgian city of Leuven named the prominent square Hooverplein after him. At its peak, Hoover's American Relief Administration (ARA) fed 10.5 million people every day. Britain became reluctant to support the CRB, preferring to emphasize Germany's obligation to provide assistance; Winston Churchill, whom Hoover despised, led a military faction that regarded Belgian relief efforts as a "positive military disaster".

Hoover was very impressed with American diplomat Walter Page, who said:

He may be the only person who lives personally (ie, without holding office) negotiating with the British, French, German, Dutch, and Belgian governments. He personally knows and has a direct relationship with this government, and deals with them have involved several hundred million dollars. He was a very lucky man - less than when the war began, for this relief work had cost him a lot of money.

AS. Food Administration

After the United States entered the war in April 1917, President Woodrow Wilson appointed Hoover to head the US Food Administration, created under the Food Conservation Act of Lever in 1917 to ensure the nation's food needs during the war. This is the position he is actively seeking, although he later claims that it was offered to him. He is convinced from his Belgian work that centralizing authority is essential to any relief effort; he demands, and gets, great power though not as much as he seeks. Hoover believes "food will win the war"; and starting September 29th, this slogan is introduced and used frequently. Obtaining the title "food tsar," Hoover recruited volunteer forces from hundreds of thousands of women and spread propaganda in cinemas, schools, and churches.

He carefully selected men to assist in the leadership of the agency - Alonzo Taylor (technical ability), Robert Taft (political association), Gifford Pinchot (agricultural influence) and Julius Barnes (business acumen). Determined to avoid rationing, Hoover sets the days set for people to avoid eating certain foods and keep them for a soldier's rations: meatless Monday, skinless Wednesday, and "when in doubt, eating potatoes." These policies were nicknamed "Hooverizing" by public relations officials, despite Hoover's ongoing orders that publicity should not be named. These agents use a price control system and license terms for suppliers to maximize production. Despite efforts to prevent it, some companies reap huge profits.

Post-war assistance and 1920 elections

A few days after the end of World War I in November 1918, Hoover sailed to Europe. United States Food Administration became American Relief Administration (ARA), and Hoover was assigned to provide food for Central and Eastern Europe. ARA feeds millions of people, including the German population and the former Habsburg Empire. The US government funding for ARA ended in the summer of 1919, and Hoover turned ARA into a private organization, raising millions of dollars from private donors. Under the auspices of the ARA, the European Children's Fund feeds millions of starving children. In addition to feeding millions of people, ARA also helps the United States avoid a potentially problematic domestic food surplus. In response to criticism of his willingness to provide assistance to countries under Bolshevism, Hoover stated,

Twenty million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they will be fed!

Reflecting the gratitude of many Europeans, in July 1922, Soviet writer Maxim Gorky wrote to Hoover:

Your help will enter history as a great achievement unique, worthy of the greatest glory, which will long stay in the memory of the millions of Russians you have saved from death.

As one of the most powerful individuals in Europe, Hoover became involved in continental politics. He broadly supported Wilson's Fourteen Points, and was appointed by Wilson to the US delegation at a peace conference at Versailles. He urged the ratification of the Versailles Treaty, but opposed the harsh reparations to Germany. He opposed the monarchist coup in Hungary and demanded the appointment of a moderate Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Poland. He condemned Bolshevism, but warned President Wilson against intervening in Russia, seeing Russian White forces slightly better and fearful of a possible protracted US engagement.

Hoover was little known among American public before 1914, but emerged as perhaps the second most famous person in the United States after President Wilson. Ahead of the 1920 presidential election, Hoover is often referred to as a potential candidate, but his partisan affiliation is unclear. Hoover especially appealed to the progressives of both sides, who praised his wartime push for higher taxes, criticisms of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, and advocacy for measures such as minimum wage, forty-eight hour work hours and the elimination of workers child. But the stories of "rags to riches" and Hoover's time-war leadership make it attract many others as well.

In March 1920 Hoover publicly declared his loyalty to the GOP, stating that he would not run but would not reject the 1920 Republican nomination. Hoover had various reasons for electing the Republican Party, including a split with Wilson over the Versailles Treaty (Hoover had received the Reservation Lodging for the agreement), and his view that the Democrats are likely to lose in the 1920 election. However, the conservative Old Guard GOP looks at Hoover vigilantly, and his time as Food Czar has also made him an enemy among farmers, an important block in the GOP. Hoover's nomination for GOP nomination failed after his primary California defeat by the favorite son of Hiram Johnson. In the general election, Hoover supports Republican candidate Warren G. Harding, who emerged victorious.

In 1919 Hoover founded the Hoover War Collection at Stanford University. He donated all files from the Commission for Assistance in Belgium, the US Food Administration, and the American Assistance Administration, and pledged $ 50,000 as a donation. Scholars were sent to Europe to collect pamphlets, public publications, government documents, newspapers, posters, proclamations, and other brief material related to the war and the revolutions that followed. The collection was renamed Hoover War Library in 1922 and is now known as the Hoover Institution.

Q&A: Interview with Charles Rappleye on Herbert Hoover | HistoryNet

Trade Secretary

After being elected president in 1920, Harding rewarded Hoover for his support, offering to appoint him as Minister of the Interior or Minister of Commerce. Expecting opposition from the Republican-controlled Senate, Hoover initially decided to reject the Cabinet's position, but Harding paired Hoover's nomination with Andrew Mellon, much desired by Republicans to become Minister of Finance. The Minister of Trade was regarded as a small Cabinet post, with limited and somewhat clear responsibilities, but Hoover decided to accept the position. Hoover remained in office until 1928, serving in both Harding and Coolidge administration.

Hoover envisions the Department of Commerce as a center of growth and stability of the country. From Harding he demands, and accepts, the authority to coordinate economic affairs throughout the government. He created many sub-departments and committees, overseeing and managing everything from manufacturing statistics, census and radio, to air travel. In some cases he "seized" control of the responsibilities of other Cabinet departments when he assumed that they were not carrying out his responsibilities well. He is known as "Secretary of Commerce and Deputy Secretary of all other departments."

Hoover's many efforts as Secretary of Commerce centered on the elimination of waste and increased efficiency in business and industry. This includes reducing labor losses from trade disputes and seasonal fluctuations, reducing industrial losses from accidents and injuries, and reducing the amount of spilled crude oil during extraction and delivery. One of the major achievements is promoting product standardization. He promotes international trade by opening offices abroad to advise businesspeople. Hoover is keen to promote Hollywood films abroad.

As a secretary and then as president, Hoover revolutionized the relationship between business and government. Rejecting hostile attitudes from Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson, he sought to make the Commerce Department a strong service organization, empowered to forge a cooperative, voluntary partnership between government and business. This philosophy is often called "associationalism". Both the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission are against Hoover's goals, but the US Supreme Court decides on Maple Flooring Manufacturers' Factory. v. United States 268 U.S. 563 (1925) that Hoover's policy serves the public interest by generating a "fairer price level" and "avoiding waste."

The "Owning Your Own" Campaign is a collaboration to promote the ownership of single family residence, with groups such as the Better Home Movement in America, the Architectural Home Service Bureau, and the Home Modernization Bureau. He works with bankers and savings and loan industries to promote long-term home mortgages, which dramatically encourage home construction.

Radio and air travel

The Hoover radio conference played a key role in the early organization, development and regulation of radio broadcasting. Prior to the Radio Act of 1927, the Secretary of Commerce could not refuse radio licenses or re-establish the frequency of broadcasts. With help from supporters of Senator Dill and the White House, Hoover brought the issue of radio control to the Senate floor. Hoover fought for more power to control the proliferation of licensed radio stations (which in 1927, stood at 732 stations). With the help of Dill and White, Hoover promoted the Dill-White bill that would eventually become the 1927 Radio Law. This action allowed the government to intervene and eliminate radio stations deemed "useless" to the public. Hoover's attempts to organize the radio were not supported by all members of Congress, and he received much opposition from the Senate and from the owners of radio stations. However, Hoover's contribution to organize radio in his youth greatly influenced modern radio systems.

Hoover was also influential in the early development of air travel. He seeks to create a thriving private industry driven by indirect government subsidies. He encouraged the development of an emergency landing and required that all runways be equipped with lights and radio beams. He also encouraged farmers to use the plane to clean the plants. Considering his efforts, Washington, D.C. named the first Hoover Field airport.

Traffic conference

As Trade Secretary, Hoover also hosted two national conferences on road traffic, in 1924 and 1926 (the third meeting in 1930, during Hoover's presidency). Collectively the meeting was called the National Conference on Road and Highway Safety. Hoover's main objective is to address the increasing number of traffic accidents, but the scope grows and soon embraces the standards of motor vehicles, road rules, and urban traffic control. He abandons interest groups who are invited to negotiate an agreement among themselves, which is then presented for adoption by states and locality. Since automotive trade associations are the best, many positions taken by the conference reflect their interest. The Conference issued a Uniform Vehicle Code model for adoption by the state, and the Traffic Ordinance Model Model for adoption by cities. Both are very influential, promoting greater uniformity between jurisdictions and tending to promote priority cars in city streets.

Mississippi flood

The Great Mississippi Flood in 1927 destroyed banks and the lower Mississippi River embankment in early 1927, resulting in floods of millions of hectares and leaving 1.5 million people displaced from their homes. Although such disasters do not fall under the obligations of the Department of Commerce, the six state governors throughout Mississippi specifically requested Herbert Hoover in an emergency. President Coolidge appointed Hoover to coordinate the response to the flood. Hoover personally crossed the Mississippi Valley, gave speeches and coordinated responses. He founded more than a hundred city tents and a fleet of more than six hundred ships, and collected $ 17 million. Largely because of his leadership during the flood crisis, in 1928, Hoover began to overshadow President Coolidge himself.

The treatment of African-Americans during the disaster endangers Hoover's reputation as a human being. Local officials hired out black farmers and prevented them from leaving relief camps, a grant for African-American farmers often given to landowners, and blacks were often required by locals for forced labor, sometimes at the point of a weapon. Knowing the potential damage to his presidential hope if this became public, Hoover made a deal with Robert Russa Moton, the leading African-American successor to Booker T. Washington as president of the Tuskegee Institute. In return for keeping African-American suffering, Hoover promises an unprecedented influence for African-Americans if he becomes president. Moton agrees, and follows the philosophy of accommodation from Washington, he works actively to hide information from the media.

Herbert Hoover's Inaugural Address (1929) | Inaugural Clock

Presidential Elections 1928

Republican Nomination

When President Calvin Coolidge announced in August 1927 that he would not seek a second full term in the 1928 presidential election, Hoover became the Republican prime candidate, despite the fact Coolidge was warm to Hoover, often mocking his ambitious and popular Trade Secret as "Wonder Boy ". Coolidge was reluctant to choose Hoover as his successor; on one occasion he said that

for six years the man gave me unsolicited advice - everything is bad. I am very offended by his comments for "unlucky or out of pot".

However, Coolidge has no desire to divide the party by opposing the nomination of the Secretary of Commerce nomination.

Prior to the 1928 Republican National Convention, many Republican leaders were careful looking for alternative candidates such as Finance Minister Andrew Mellon, former State Secretary Charles Evans Hughes, or Coolidge. When no challenger emerged, Hoover won the presidential nomination at the first vote of the convention. The delegates consider nominating incumbent Vice President Charles Dawes to become a Hoover couple. However, Coolidge (who hates Dawes) said that this would be a "personal insult" to him. The service chose Senator Charles Curtis from Kansas. Hoover received a nomination at Stanford Stadium, telling the large crowd that he would continue the policies of Harding and Coolidge's government.

General selection

Hoover campaigned for efficiency and the Republic's record of prosperity against Democrat Alfred E. Smith. Smith is also a supporter of efficiency gained as governor of New York. Both pro-business candidates, and each pledged to improve conditions for farmers, reform immigration laws, and defend isolated American foreign policy.

Where they differ is in the Volstead Act which prohibits the sale of liquor and beer. Smith is a "wet" man who calls for his abrogation, while Hoover provides limited support for the ban, calling it "a noble experiment in purpose." His use of "experiments" suggests it is not permanent. While Smith gained extra support among Catholics in the big cities, he also became an intense anti-Catholic targets of some Protestant communities, especially between Southern Baptists and German Lutherans. Overall, the religious factor works for Hoover's profit, although he does not take part in it.

Historians agree that Hoover's national reputation and booming economy, combined with deep divisions in the Democratic Party over religion and banning, secured his victory by 58 percent of the popular vote. Hoover's appeal to South white voters managed to break the "Solid South", won the Democratic fortress of Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Texas and Tennessee, and nearly took Alabama on support from the Appalachian district; Deep South continues to support Smith as a Democratic candidate. This is the first time a Republican presidential candidate has brought Texas. Hoover and the national party have pursued the "southern lily-white strategy" to revive Republicans in the South, "clearing the black Republican from a leadership position in the southern wing of G.O.P." This angered the black leaders, most of whom broke out of the Republican Party, and began searching for candidates within the Democratic Party who supported civil rights. In 1956, WEB Du Bois, a leader in the NAACP in the 1920s, would recall that, "In 1928, Negroes faced an absolute dilemma, neither Hoover nor Smith wanted the Negro vote and both insulted us in front public."

Hoover entered the office with plans to reform the state regulatory system, believing that federal bureaucracy should have limited legislation on a country's economic system. Hoover seeks a balance between labor, capital, and government, and he has been labeled as diverse as corporates or associates.

Hoover sees the presidency as a means to improve the condition of all Americans by encouraging public-private cooperation - what he calls "volunteerism". He tends to oppose coercion or government intervention, because he thinks they violate the ideals of individualism and American independence. Hoover uses many commissions to study problems and propose solutions, and many of those commissions are sponsored by private donors and not by the government. One of the commissions started by Hoover, the Research Committee on Social Trends, was assigned to survey the entire American society.

Lou Henry Hoover is a First Lady activist. He represents a new woman from the post-World War I era: intelligent, strong, and aware of the many possibilities of women.

White House doctor Admiral Joel T. Boone invented the Hooverball sport to keep Hoover fit while in the White House. Hooverball is a combination of volleyball and tennis, played with a sphere of 6 lb . Hoover and a few staff members played it every morning, giving them the nickname of the Drug Orologi.

Civil rights

Hoover rarely mentioned civil rights when he became president. He believes that African-Americans and other races can improve themselves with individual education and initiative. He opposed federal anti-judicial laws, and when there was persecution in the South, including one incident related to his party's attempts to "propagate" the southern states, he offered only a verbal condemnation.

First Lady Lou Hoover opposed the custom and invited Republican wife Oscar De Priest, the only African-American member in Congress, to drink tea at the White House. Booker T. Washington was the only African-American person who ever had dinner at the White House, with Theodore Roosevelt in 1901.

Charles Curtis, First Vice President of Native Americans, is from the Kaw tribe in Kansas. The reputation of humanity and Quaker Hoover, along with Curtis as vice president, gave special significance to his Indian policy. His Quaker education influenced his view that Native Americans needed to achieve economic independence. As president, he appointed Charles J. Rhoads as commissioner of Indian affairs. Hoover supports Rhoads' commitment to Indian assimilation and seeks to minimize the federal role in Indian affairs. The aim is for the Indians to act as individuals (not as tribes) and to assume the civic responsibilities granted with the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.

The Great Depression

On taking over the office, Hoover said that "given the opportunity to move forward with the policies of the last eight years, we will soon be with God's help, in the eyes of the day when poverty will be banished from this nation." After seeing the fruit of prosperity brought about by technological advancements, many shared Hoover's optimism, and the rising stock market was even higher on Hoover's accession. But within months of taking office, Crash of 1929 Stock Market (also known as Black Tuesday) took place, and the world economy began to descend into the Great Depression.

The cause of the Great Depression remains a matter of debate, but Hoover sees the lack of confidence in the financial system as a fundamental economic problem facing the nation. He sought to avoid direct federal intervention, believing that the best way to improve the economy was through strengthening businesses such as banks and trains. He also worries that allowing individuals on "alms" will permanently weaken the country. In contrast, Hoover strongly believes that local government and private gifts should meet the needs of individuals. A taciturn man afraid to speak publicly, Hoover let his political enemies take him as cold, incompetent, reactionary, and unreachable.

Initial policy

Hoover pursued many policies in an attempt to pull the country out of the depression, while trying to hold the federal government from becoming directly involved in commercial affairs. In the days after Black Tuesday, Hoover gathered business and employment leaders, asking them to avoid wage cuts and temporary suspension work against what he believed would be a brief recession similar to Depression 1920-21. Some economists, such as Lee Ohanian, show the resulting wage rigidity as the main cause of the Great Depression's severity.

Hoover blamed the Mexicans for the economic downturn, and championed the mass deportation which became known as the Mexican Repatriation program. This forced migration of about 500,000 to 2 million people to Mexico continued until 1936, after Hoover left the office. It is estimated that sixty percent of those deported are citizens of birthright. Since the forced movement is based on race, and ignoring citizenship, this process is seen as meeting modern standards for ethnic cleansing.

In the spring of 1930, Hoover gained from an additional $ 100 million Congress to continue the Federal Farm Board lending and purchase policies. At the end of 1929, TBS established the National Wool Marketing Corporation (NWMC), a national wool cooperative composed of 30 state associations. Hoover also supports new public works projects, although his fear of budget deficits led him to oppose expansionary projects as contemplated by the Muscle Shoals bill, which seeks to establish government production and power distribution in the Tennessee Valley. In the autumn of 1930, Hoover founded the Presidential Organization for Unemployment Assistance, which issued a press release urging the company to hire.

Hoover had occupied his position in the hope of raising agricultural tariffs to help farmers shaken from the agriculture crisis of the 1920s, but his efforts to raise agricultural tariffs became linked to efforts to raise tariffs for other goods. In June 1930, due to many economists' objections, Congress approved and Hoover reluctantly signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act law. The law raises tariffs on thousands of imported goods.

The intent of the action is to encourage the purchase of American-made products by increasing the cost of imported goods, while increasing revenues for the federal government and protecting farmers. However, the economic depression has spread throughout the world, and Canada, France and other countries responded by raising tariffs on imports from the US. The result is to contract international trade, and worsen the Depression. Progressive Republicans such as Senator Borah were angry when Hoover signed the bill, and Hoover's relationship with the party wing never recovered.

Policy later

For most of his presidency, Hoover opposed the congressional proposal to provide federal aid, and he feared that Congress would impose a federal assistance program that would violate the prerogatives of the state and local governments and philanthropic organizations. Hoover created the National Credit Corporation, a voluntary association of bankers, but the organization did not succeed in saving the banks or reducing credit as Hoover had hoped.

When the Great Depression resumed, Hoover eventually heeded the call for more direct federal intervention, although he vetoed a bill that would allow federal loans directly to individuals. In January 1932 Hoover signed a bill creating the Financial Corporations Reconstruction (RFC). The initial objective of the RFC is to provide government-secured loans to financial institutions, railways and local governments to continue aid programs. The RFC saved many businesses from failure, but failed to stimulate commercial loans as Hoover hoped, partly because it was run by conservative bankers who did not want to make riskier loans. The RFC will be adopted by Roosevelt and expanded as part of the New Deal. With the failure of the RFC to stem the economic crisis, Hoover signed the Emergency Assistance and Construction Act, the main public works bill, in July 1932.

Throughout his presidency, Hoover defended the gold standard, and ridiculed other monetary systems as "collectivism." Hoover and Senator Carter Glass, supporters of other gold standards, recognize that they need to stop deflation by encouraging credit loans. Hoover was instrumental in passing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932, allowing for re-discounting at the Federal Reserve, in turn allowing further inflation of credit and bank reserves. In July 1932 Hoover signed the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, setting up 12 district banks overseen by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in a manner similar to the Federal Reserve System.

In 1930, the unemployment rate reached 8.9%, and many assumed that the United States was in another recession. But by 1932, unemployment had reached 24.9%, businesses had failed to record loan amounts, and more than 5,000 banks had failed, especially small rural banks. The homeless live in the shanty town they call Hoovervilles.

Taxes, revenues, and deficits

Hoover strongly believes in balanced budgets, and seeks to avoid budget deficits by raising tax rates on the rich. Nonetheless, the total Federal deficit in 1932 was 4.5% of GDP. As tax revenue decreased, this was due to an increase in total expenditure from about $ 2.9 billion in 1929 to about $ 4.6 billion in 1932, a total increase of about 58 percent.

To pay for government programs and to make up for income lost due to the Depression, Hoover signed the Revenue Act of 1932. This law raises taxes across the board, so that the highest income people are taxed at 63% on their net income - up from 25% when Herbert Hoover took office. The 1932 law also raises taxes on the company's net income from 12% to 13.75%. In addition, under Hoover, property taxes doubled and corporate taxes were raised by nearly 15%. Also, the "tax checks" apply, putting a 2 cents tax (over 30 cents in the current economy) on all bank checks. Economists William D. Lastrapes and George Selgin concluded that the check tax was "an important factor contributing to the severe monetary contraction of that period". Despite the passage of the Revenue Act, the federal government continues to experience budget deficits.

Foreign relations

According to Leuchtenburg, Hoover is "the last American president in power without a glaring need to pay attention to the whole world." However, during the Hoover period, the world order established with the 1919 Versailles Treaty began to collapse.

As president, Hoover largely made good of his promises before taking over the position of not interfering in Latin American internal affairs. In 1930, he released the Clark Memorandum, the rejection of the Roosevelt Corollary and a step toward non-intervention in Latin America. Hoover did not completely refrain from military use in Latin American affairs; he three times threatened intervention in the Dominican Republic, and he sent warships to El Salvador to support the government against the left-wing revolution. But he succeeds in paralyzing the Banana Wars, ending the Nicaraguan occupation and virtually ending the Haitian occupation. Good Neighbor Franklin Roosevelt's policy will continue the trend toward non-intervention in Latin America.

Although the United States remains outside the League of Nations, Hoover indicates a willingness to work in multilateral structures. Hoover pursued US membership in the International Court of Justice, but the Senate never voted on his proposal. The Senate also defeated Hoover's proposed Saint Lawrence Seaway Treaty with Canada.

In 1930, the United States and other major naval forces signed the Sea of ​​London Agreement, an extension of the 1922 Washington Ocean Treaty, which sought to prevent a naval arms race. The agreement was the first time that naval forces had agreed to limit the tonnage of their additional vessels (previous agreements focused on capital vessels), but the treaty failed to include France or Italy. The treaty provoked a nationalist reaction in Japan because of a re-confirmation of the "5-5-3" ratio that limited Japan to a smaller fleet than the United States or Britain. At the 1932 World Disarmament Conference, Hoover urged worldwide reduction in weaponry and banned tanks and bombers, but his proposal was not adopted.

In 1931, the Japanese attacked Manchuria, defeated the military forces of the Republic of China and founded Manchukuo, a puppet state. Hoover's government regretted the invasion, but also tried to avoid a dispute with the Japanese, fearing that taking a too strong position would weaken the moderate power within the Japanese government. In response to the Japanese invasion, Hoover and Foreign Minister Henry Stimson outlined the Stimson Doctrine, stating that the United States would not recognize the territory acquired by force. The Hoover government bases this declaration on Paran Kellogg-Briand 1928, in which several countries (including Japan and the United States) abandoned the war and promised to resolve the dispute amicably. In the aftermath of the Manchurian invasion, Stimson and other members of the Cabinet came to believe that the war with Japan might be inevitable, though Hoover continues to encourage disarmament among world powers.

In 1931, Hoover issued the Hoover Moratorium, calling for a one-year termination in repayment payments for World War I. Hoover also made US bankers agree to refrain from prosecuting payments on personal loans from Germany. Hoover hopes that a moratorium will help stabilize the European economy, which he views as a major cause of economic problems in the United States. As the moratorium approached the end of the following year, attempts to find a permanent solution were made at the 1932 Lausanne Conference. Working compromises were never established, and reparations payments were completely stopped.

Bonus Army

Thousands of World War I veterans and their families demonstrated and camped in Washington, DC, during June 1932, called for the immediate payment of bonuses that had been promised by the Customized World War Compensation Act in 1924 for payment in 1945. Although money was offered by Congress to return home, some members of the "Bonus Army" remain. Washington police are trying to remove the protesters from their camp, but they are outnumbered and unsuccessful. The firing fired by police in a futile attempt to achieve order, and two protesters were killed when many officers were wounded.

Hoover sent US Army troops led by General Douglas MacArthur and assisted by lower-ranking officers Dwight D. Eisenhower and George S. Patton to stop the parade. MacArthur, believing he was fighting a communist revolution, chose to clean up the camp with military force. In the ensuing clash, hundreds of civilians were wounded. Hoover had sent orders for the Army not to move to the camp, but MacArthur chose to ignore the order. Hoover was furious, but refused to rebuke MacArthur. The whole incident was a negative loss for Hoover in the 1932 election. It caused New York Governor and Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt to declare Hoover: "There is nothing in man but the jelly!"

1932 reelection campaign

Despite the economic disaster facing the nation and his dim hope for re-election, Hoover faces little opposition to re-nomination at the 1932 National Convention of Republic. Some Republicans speak of Coolidge's nomination, former Vice President Charles Dawes, or Senator Hiram Johnson, but all are given the opportunity to challenge Hoover. Curtis was nominated again as a Hoover couple. Franklin D. Roosevelt won the presidential nomination at the third vote of the 1932 Democratic National Convention, defeating the 1928 Democratic candidate, Al Smith. John Nance Garner's home speaker was nominated as his partner Roosevelt. In 1932, the radio was in 12 million homes, changing the nature of the presidential campaign. The President no longer changes the content of their speech to every audience; anyone with a radio can listen to every major speech.

Hoover originally planned to make only one or two major speeches, and left the rest of the campaign to be a proxy, as did traditional presidents. However, fueled by Republican demand and angered by Democratic claims, Hoover entered a public uproar. In nine major radio addresses, Hoover mainly defends his government and his philosophy of government. Hoover urged voters to stick to "the basics of experience", rejecting the notion that government intervention could save the country from the Depression.

In the course of his campaign across the country, Hoover is confronted with perhaps the most hostile people of every sitting president. In addition to having a train and his car was pelted with eggs and rotten fruit, he was often reproached while talking, and on several occasions, the Secret Service stopped efforts to kill Hoover by dissatisfied citizens, including arresting one who approached Hoover carrying dynamite sticks, took off some nails from the rail in front of the President's train.

The Democrats attacked Hoover as the cause of the Great Depression, and were indifferent to the plight of millions. As Governor of New York, Roosevelt has asked the New York legislature to provide assistance to the needy, building Roosevelt's reputation because it is better against government intervention during the economic crisis. Fausold rejects the notion that the two nominees are ideologically similar, showing the difference between the two on federal expenditures on public works, agricultural issues, bans, and tariffs.

Hoover's attempt to justify his government fell on deaf ears, as many people blame his administration for depression. Roosevelt won 57.4 percent of popular votes compared to 39.7 percent of Hoover. Hoover's popular vote was reduced by nineteen percent of his election results in 1928, and he carried only five Northeastern and Delaware states. Roosevelt became the first Democratic presidential candidate to win a majority of popular votes and presidency since Franklin Pierce in 1852.

Herbert Hoover - Herbert Hoover National Historic Site (U.S. ...


Hoover set out from Washington in March 1933, bitterly losing his election and continued unpopular. After leaving the office, Hoover was the only former president who lived for nearly 20 years, until Harry Truman left the office in 1953. Hoovers went first to New York City, where they stayed for some time at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. Later that spring, they returned to California to their Stanford home. Hoover is happy to return to long-time male clubs including the Bohemian Club, the Pacific-Union Club and the University Club in San Francisco. Hoover and his wife lived in Palo Alto until his death in 1944, where Hoover began living permanently at the Waldorf Astoria.

Opposition to Roosevelt

Hoover continued to attend national events after his retirement, becoming a constant critic of Franklin Roosevelt. In response to continued attacks on his character and his presidency, Hoover wrote more than two dozen books, including The Challenge to Liberty (1934), which strongly condemned New Deal. Hoover is afraid that the country has handed over "freedom of thought and spirit" to the New Deal. He described the National Recovery Administration and Adjustment Administration of Agriculture as "fascistic," and the Banking Act of 1933 as "moving into gigantic socialism."

Only 58 when he left the office, Hoover held out hope for another term during the 1930s. At the 1936 Republican National Convention, Hoover's speech against the New Deal was well received, but his nomination was submitted to Kansas Governor Alf Landon. In the election, Hoover campaigned for a failed Landon campaign with well-publicized speeches that attacked New Deal liberalism. Although Hoover is keen to defy Roosevelt at every opportunity, Senators Arthur Vandenberg and other Republicans urged the still-unpopular Hoover to remain out of contention during the Bill of Judicial Reorganization debate filed by Roosevelt in 1937. At the 1940 National Convention of the Republic, Hoover again. hoping for a presidential nomination, and disappointed when going to Wendell Willkie internationalist.

World War II

Hoover remains popular in Europe and is respected in France and Belgium. During his 1938 trip to Europe, Hoover met Adolf Hitler and lived in the hunting lodge of Hermann GÃÆ'¶ring. Hoover expressed his disappointment over the persecution of Jews in Germany and believed that Hitler was angry, but did not present a threat to the US. In contrast, Hoover believes that Roosevelt is the greatest threat to peace, because he believes that Roosevelt provoked Japan and left France disappointed and the British Empire reached "accommodation" with Germany. After Poland's invasion of September 1939 by Germany, Hoover opposed US intervention in World War II, including Lend-Lease policy.

Hoover became a supporter of vocals providing assistance to countries in Nazi-occupied Europe. He was instrumental in creating the Commission for Polish Aid and the Finnish Relief Fund. In 1939, Roosevelt asked Hoover to the White House for help to Poland, but Hoover declined the offer. Much to his own frustration, Hoover was not called to serve after the United States entered World War II because of its difference to Roosevelt and its continued unpopularity.

During a radio broadcast on June 29, 1941, a week after the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, Hoover underestimated any "silent alliance" between the US and the Soviet Union by saying:

If we go further and join the war and we win, then we have won for Stalin the clutches of communism in Russia.... Again I say, if we join the war and Stalin wins, we have helped him impose more communism on Europe and the world. At least we can not with such words to tell our sons that by making the ultimate sacrifice, they restore freedom to the world. The war with Stalin to impose freedom is more than a parody. It was a tragedy.

Post World War II

After World War II, Hoover befriended President Harry S. Truman despite being banned

Source of the article : Wikipedia
