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February 1, 2015 | Carolinas Mission District
src: carolinasnalc.org

" I am L ORD your god " (KJV, also " I am Yahweh, your Lord" NJB, WEB, Hebrew: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ÃÆ'® Yahweh '? L? He ?? ) is the opening sentence of the Ten Commandments, which is widely understood as a moral imperative by ancient law historians and Jewish and Christian Bible scholars.

The text of the Ten Commandments according to the Book of Exodus begins:

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You will not have any other gods before me. Do not make you a statue, or any image that is in the sky above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water beneath the earth: You shall not bend down for yourselves, or serve them, for I, the Lord your God, is a jealous God, visiting the father's crimes on children, in the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, and show love to thousands of people who love me and keep my commandments.

"L ORD " conventional in translating English translation ???? in the Hebrew text (transliterated "YHWH"), the proper name of the God of Israel, is reconstructed as Yahweh . The translation "God" translates ???????? (transliterated "Elohim"), the normal biblical Hebrew word for "god, god".

The Introduction of the Ten Commandments establishes God's identity by his personal name and his historical action in liberating Israel from Egypt. The language and pattern reflect that of the ancient royal covenant in which a great king identifies himself and his previous noble deeds towards a king or subject.

Building his identity through the use of his proper name, Yahweh, and his remarkable acts in history distinguish Yahweh from the Egyptian gods judged in the murder of Egypt's firstborn (Exodus 12) and from the Canaanite gods, the gods of non- Jews, and gods worshiped as idols, starred hosts, or things found in nature, and gods known by other appropriate names. Once distinguished, Yahweh demanded the exclusive loyalty of Israel. "I am L ORD your Lord" appears several times in the Bible as well.

Video I am the Lord thy God

Hebrew Bible

By saying, "I am L/span> ORD your Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery", it introduces him by name to establish his authority behind the provisions that follow. The implicit imperative is to believe that God exists and that the proper name is "Yahweh." By invoking the exodus from Egypt, it also shows the basic pattern of God as a redeemer and intervention in history. This verse also serves as a motive clause for the following commands.

The text follows the pattern of ancient kingdom treaties, in which the king's speech begins by identifying himself with a famous name and deed. Yahweh thus upholds his position relative to the Israelites, who are expected to surrender his complete submission, loyalty, and obedience to him. The logic of the treaty establishes an exclusive relationship in which the subject population may have only one sovereignty, as stated explicitly in you having no other gods before me.

Maps I am the Lord thy God

New Testament

Jesus cites the Deuteronomy when tempted to worship Satan in exchange for all the kingdoms of the world.

Jesus said to him, "Far from me, Satan, for it is written, 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"

Jesus repeats the Shema as the most important command:

Jesus answered: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind'.

Those who eat sacrificed food for idols are scolded. Just as in the Hebrew Bible, where sacrifices to other gods are depicted as devil sacrifices, idolatry is connected with devil worship in the New Testament, and God is described as jealous of idolatry.

... the sacrifice of the infidels is offered to the devil, not to God, and I do not want you to be a devil. You can not drink the cup of God and the cup of the devil as well; You can not have a part in God's table and a demon table. Are we trying to awaken God's jealousy? Are we stronger than him?

The New Testament affirms that God has consequences for those who worship other gods. This shows that during the time of the Hebrew Bible, God winked at idolatry from nations other than Israel, but in New Testament times, God commanded "all people everywhere to repent." Idols are described as "worthless things" and people are urged to turn from them to the living God. The teachings of Moses and the experience of Israel as they depart from them are used to support the insistence that believers abstain from idolatry and fornication.

10 Commandments by lindsay berube
src: img.haikudeck.com

Roman Catholic doctrine

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that "The first command calls men to believe in God, to wish for him, and to love him above all." This quotes the requirement of the Shema, that "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your strength" and the answer that Jesus gave when tempted by Satan.

"You must worship the Lord your God" (Matthew 4:10). Adoring God, praying to him, offering him the worship that belongs to him, fulfilling the promises and oaths made to him is the act of religious virtue falling under obedience to the first commandment.

In their explanation of the first commandment, the Catechism quotes Justin Martyr's dialogue to support their teaching that Christians and Jews have believed in the same God.

There will be no other God... nor is there any other immortality... but He who makes and removes all these universe. We also do not think that there is one God for us [Christian], another for you [Jews], but that He himself is the God who brought your father out of Egypt with a strong hand and a high arm. We also do not trust the other (because there is nothing else), but in Him whom you believe, the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob.

The Catechism explains the phrase "I am L ORD " at the beginning of the Ten Commandments as an expression of the existence of God and his authority.

The first command includes faith, hope, and charity. When we say "God," we acknowledge a constant, unchanging, always same, faithful and just self, without any evil. Therefore we must accept his words and have full confidence in him and recognize his authority. He is omnipotent, merciful, and much more generous. Who can not put all hope on him? Who can not love him when contemplating the treasures of goodness and love he has poured out on us? Therefore, the formula that God uses in the Bible at the beginning and end of his commandments: "I am the LORD."

Decalogue I: I Am The Lord Thy God; Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods ...
src: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

Protestant view

John Calvin saw, "I am L ORD your God" as the introduction of the Decalogue and "having no other god" as the first commandment. However, it is also permissible to see "I am L ORD your God" as the first commandment, as long as it is also possible to serve as an introduction to the entire Decalogue. In his commentary on the first command, Calvin describes the superstition as a wife who commits adultery in front of her husband.

... we must be wary of superstition, by which our minds are removed from the true God, and brought to and fro after many gods. Therefore, if we are content with one God, let us remember what was previously observed, that all fictitious deities must be kept far away, and that the worship he claims for himself should not be mutilated. Not a single particle of its glory should be kept secret: everything that belongs to him must be reserved for him as a whole. The words, "before me," go to increase humiliation, God is provoked to jealous every time we replace our fiction as his successor; just as an unfaithful wife stings her husband deeper when her adultery is done openly before her eyes.

Martin Luther describes the first commandment as prohibiting the literal respect of other gods and trusting the idols of the heart: money, good deeds, superstitions, etc.

Thus, for example, the pagans who put their trust in power and authority lifted Jupiter as the supreme deity; others, bowing to wealth, happiness, or pleasure, and easy life, Hercules, Mercury, Venus or others; women with children, Diana or Lucina, and so on; thus everyone makes that his god where his heart is inclined, so even in the mind of the infidels to have a deity means believing and believing. But their mistake is that their beliefs are wrong and wrong because it is not placed in the only God, other than the one who has no God in heaven or on earth. Therefore, the infidels really make Gods self-created ideas and dreams as idols, and put their trust in what is absolutely nonexistent. So with all idolatry; because he does not just form an image and worship it, but also in the heart, who stand gaping on something else, and seek the help and entertainment of beings, saints, or demons, and does not care about God, or look to Him for it is very good to believe that He is willing to help, not believing that whatever good experience comes from God.

Like Calvin, Matthew Henry considers, "I am L ORD your Lord" to be the preface. Henry explains the preface and the first commandment from the standpoint of the covenant: God freed Israel from Egypt, and they became his property by mutual agreement, so they are bound to obey the terms of his covenant.

The Originator of the Lawmaker: '' I am the Lord, your God, 'v 2. Here, 1. God confirms his own authority to impose this law in general: "I am the Lord who commands you all who follow." 2. He proposes himself as one the only object of religious worship ordered in the first four commands. They are here bound by obedience by the three straps, which, according to people, can not easily be broken. (1.) Because God is God - Jehovah, stand alone, independent, eternal, and the source of all beings and powers; therefore he has the undeniable right to rule us. He who gives the beast can give the law; and therefore he is able to withstand us in our obedience, to honor it, and to punish our disobedience. (2.) He is their Lord, Lord in covenant with them, their Lord with their own consent; and, if they did not obey their orders, who would do it? He has placed himself under obligation to them by promise, and therefore may justly place his obligation on them with doctrine. Although the covenant agreement is no longer present, yet there is another, on which all the baptized are brought into contact with him as their God, and therefore unfair, unfaithful, and very unlucky to be grateful, if they disobeyed them. (3.) He has "brought them out of the land of Egypt;" because they are bound in gratitude to obey him, because he has done so great good, has taken them out of the miserable slavery to glorious freedom. They themselves have been eyewitnesses of the great things God has done for their deliverance, and can not but have observed that every circumstance increase their obligations.

John Wesley made a general observation that Israel was obliged to keep the commandments of God because he freed them from Egypt, and he added the observation that Christians are also obliged to serve Christ, who has been saved from the bondage of sin.

Here, the Lord affirms his own authority to enforce this law; and propose himself as the sole object of religious worship commanded in the first four commandments. They are here bound to obedience.

1.Because God is God, Jehovah, independent, independent, eternal, and the source of all beings and strength; therefore he has an undeniable right to rule us. 2. He is their God; God is in agreement with them; God them with their own accord. He had brought them out of the land of Egypt - therefore they were bound in gratitude to obey him, for he had brought them out of the pathetic slavery to glorious freedom. By redeeming them, he had the further right to rule them; they owe their services to him, to whom they owe their freedom. And so, Christ, having saved us from the bondage of sin, is entitled to the best service we can do to him. The first four commandments relate to our duty to God (commonly called the first table.) It fits that must be put first, because humans have the Creator to love before he has a neighbor to be loved, and justice and charity are only then accepted by God as they flow from principles of piety.

John Wesley used the first command in Deuteronomy 5 as a motivation for asking a list of introspective questions.

I think it is necessary to add some questions here, which the reader can answer between God and his own soul. You have no other gods before me - Do you worship God in spirit and truth? You propose to yourself endless besides him? Has he been the end of all your actions? Are you looking for happiness other than God's knowledge and love? Do you really know the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom he has sent? Do you love God? Dost thou lovest him with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might; so do not love anything but in a way and a degree that tends to increase your love for her? Do you find happiness in God? Is he the desire of your eyes, your joy? Otherwise, you have another god in front of him.

In his exposition of Exodus 20 on "Thru The Bible" radio program, J. Vernon McGee, quotes Romans 1: 21-25 and Colossians 3: 5 to support his assertion that idolatry is forbidden by the first command including not only idol worship and foreign gods, but also idols like greed, alcohol, and fornication.

Whatever you give yourself, especially in neglect, becomes your "god". Many people do not [explicitly] worship Bacchus, the Greek and Roman gods who were seen by the gods of wine and the feast of the past, but they worship the same bottle... Do people realize it, they worship the god Bacchus. Others worshiped Aphrodite, the sex goddess. Some people worship money. Whatever you give your time, heart, and soul to become your god. God says we have no gods before Him.

For I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, who says to ...
src: i.pinimg.com

Jewish Doctrine

"I am your L ORD your Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery You will have no other god before Me..." Maimonides interpreted this as a commandment requiring one to know there is a God. Ibn Ezra interpreted this as a command to believe that Yahweh himself is God. This command prohibits the belief or worship of additional deities:

Anyone who receives a false god as true, even when he does not really worship him, humiliates and blasphemes the noble and awesome [God] name.

Idol worshipers - it does not matter whether a person performs idolatry or makes a sacrifice or burns incense or pours reward or bribes or accepts it as a god or says "You are my god." But anyone who hugged it or kissed it or honored it or splashed it or washed or anointed it or put it on or put shoes on it, broke the negative order. Anyone who swears in his name or takes an oath in his name, violates a negative order.

"Do not make any image or similarity in the sky above..." This prohibits the construction or creation of "idols" in the form of things made (beasts, fish, birds, humans) and worship them.

The essence of the command [forbidding] the worship of false gods is not to serve one of creation, not angels, balls, or stars, none of the four basic elements, or any entity created from it.

J.O.M. COGIC on Twitter:
src: pbs.twimg.com

Other events

The phrase "I am L ORD your God" ???? ???? ????? appears several times in the Hebrew Bible outside the Decalogue.

Thus, Leviticus 18 provides a number of commands that prohibit the sexual deviation and sacrifice of children. It demands that God's people behave differently from the surrounding nations, lest they be destroyed in the same way.

I'm L ORD Lord. You will not do what is done in the land of Egypt where you live, nor do you do what is done in the land of Canaan where I am taking you; You will not run in their laws. You must do my assessment and keep my law, to live in accordance with them; I'm L ORD Lord. So you have to keep my judgments and judgments, with which one can live if he does; I am L ORD .

In the same way, Leviticus 19 gives additional orders about separation from medium and spiritism, respecting elderly people, and goodness to foreigners.

Do not switch to media or spiritists; do not look for them littered by them. I'm L ORD Lord. You will stand up in a gray face and honor the aged, and you will glorify your God; I am L ORD . When a stranger lives with you in your land, you will not make mistakes on him. The stranger who lives with you shall be your native land among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you are strangers in the land of Egypt; I'm L ORD Lord.

The prophet Isaiah confirms that the failure to obey the commandments is the reason for Israel's conquest and because the nation obeys the commandments, they will have peace like a river.

I am L ORD Your God, who taught you to be lucky, Who leads you in the right direction. If only you had noticed my commands! Then your well-being will be like a river, And your righteousness is like the waves of the sea. Your seed will be like sand, and your seed will be like its grain; Their names will never be interrupted or destroyed from my presence. Get out of Babylon! Flee from the Chaldeans! Declare in a happy shout, announce this, Send to the ends of the earth; Say, "L ORD has redeemed Jacob his servant." They did not thirst when He led them through the desert. He made the water flow out of the rock for them; He splits rocks and water gushes forward. "There is no peace for bad people," says L ORD .

The prophet Joel waits for the blessings of the future through whom the people of God will know that Yahweh is their God through his amazing works on their behalf.

You will have plenty of food and be satisfied. And praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt with you wondrously; So my people will never be humiliated. Then you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and there is no other; And My people will never be humiliated.

Ten Commandments by Victoria Pereira
src: img.haikudeck.com

See also

  • The biblical law in Christianity
  • Monotheism
  • The Ten Commandments

I Am The Lord Thy God Stock Photos & I Am The Lord Thy God Stock ...
src: l7.alamy.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
