Various anti-spam techniques are used to prevent email spam (unsolicited bulk email).
No technique is a complete solution to spam problems, and each has a trade-off between falsely rejecting legitimate emails (false positives) as opposed to not rejecting all spam (false negatives) - and related expenses in time, effort, and cost wrongly blocking good letters.
Anti-spam techniques can be broken down into four broad categories: which require action by individuals, which can be automated by email administrators, which can be automated by email senders and employed by researchers and law enforcement officials.
Video Anti-spam techniques
Detect spam
Checking words: false positives
People tend to be less distracted by spam that slips through filters into their mailbox (false negatives), rather than having the desired email ("ham") blocked (false positives). Trying to balance a false negative (missed spam) vs false positives (rejecting a good email) is crucial for a successful anti-spam system. Some systems let individual users have control over this balance by setting a "spam value" limit, etc. Most techniques have both types of serious errors, up to varying degrees. So, for example, an anti-spam system can use techniques that have a high false negative rate (a lot of spam loss), to reduce the number of false positives (rejects a good email).
Detecting spam based on email content, either by detecting keywords like "viagra" or by means of statistics (content or non-content content), is very popular. Content based on statistics means or detects keywords can be very accurate when they are properly set to the legalized type of legitimate email, but they can also make mistakes like detecting the keyword "cialis" in the word "specialist" (see also Internet censor: Over-and under-blocking). Spam initiators often attempt to defeat such actions by using typographic techniques such as replacing letters with accented variations or alternate characters that appear identical to the intended characters but internally distinct ( eg , replacing 'A' Roman with a Cyrillic 'A'), or include other characters such as spaces, non-print characters, or bullets into the term to block pattern matching. It introduces an arms race that demands an increasingly complex method of keyword detection.
The content also does not specify whether the email is unsolicited or bulk, two key features of spam. So, if a friend sends you a joke that mentions "viagra", content filters can easily mark it as spam even if it's not requested or sent in bulk. The basic non-content statistics tool can help lower false positives by looking at the way vs. statistics. blocking by content/keywords. Therefore, you will be able to receive a joke that mentions "viagra" from a friend.
List of sites
The most popular DNSBLs (DNS Blacklists) are a list of known spam domain names, known open relays, known proxy servers, compromised "zombie" spammers, and hosts on the internet that should not send external mail, such as the ISP's end-user address space consumer. This is known as "Dial Up Lists", from the time when end users whose computers are "zombie" spam are connected to the internet with modems and phone lines.
Spamtraps are often email addresses that have never been valid or have been invalid for a long time used to collect spam. Effective spamming is not declared and is only discovered by dictionary attacks or by pulling addresses from hidden web pages. In order for spamtrap to remain effective, addresses should not be shared with anyone. Some black lists, such as spamcop, use spamtraps to catch spammers and blacklist them.
Enforcing the technical requirements of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) can be used to block emails from systems that do not conform to RFC standards. Many spammers use poorly written software or can not comply with the standards because they do not have legitimate control over computers that send spam (zombie computers). So by setting limits on mail-transfer agents (MTAs), email administrators can significantly reduce spam, such as by enforcing the correct quota of Mail eXchange records (MX) in the Domain Name System, or the correct delay handling (Teergrube).
Maps Anti-spam techniques
> End user technique
There are a number of techniques that individuals use to limit the availability of their email addresses, with the aim of reducing their chances of receiving spam.
Sharing an email address only among a limited correspondence group is one way to limit the likelihood that the address will be "harvested" and targeted by spam. Similarly, when forwarding a message to a number of recipients who do not know each other, the recipient address can be placed in the "bcc:" field so that each recipient does not get the list of other recipient email addresses.
Address munging
Email addresses posted on web pages, Usenet or chat rooms are vulnerable to the harvesting of e-mail addresses. The munging address is an e-mail address disguise practice to prevent it being automatically collected in this way, but it still allows human readers to reconstruct the original: email addresses like, "", can be written as "no-one at example dot com ", for example. The corresponding technique is to show all or some of the email addresses as images, or as mixed text with the sequence of characters restored using CSS.
Avoid responding to spam
The general suggestion is do not reply to spam messages because the spammer might consider the response as a confirmation that the email address is valid. Similarly, many spam messages contain web links or user-directed addresses to be removed from spammer mailing lists - and this should be treated as malicious. Under no circumstances, the sender's address is often falsified in a spam message, so responding to spam may result in a failed submission - or it may reach a totally innocent third party.
Contact form
Businesses and individuals sometimes avoid publishing email addresses by requesting a contact to come through a "contact form" on a web page - which then usually passing information via email. However, such forms are sometimes uncomfortable for users, since they can not use their preferred email client, risk entering wrong replies, and are not usually notified of delivery problems. Furthermore, the contact form lacks that they need a website with the right technology.
Disable HTML in email
Many modern email programs incorporate web browser functionality, such as HTML views, URLs, and images.
Avoiding or disabling this feature does not help avoid spam. It may, however, be useful to avoid some issues if users open spam messages: offensive images, tracked by web bugs, targeted by JavaScript or attacks on security vulnerabilities in HTML renderers. Email clients that do not automatically download and display HTML, images or attachments have less risk, just as clients have been configured not to display this by default.
Disposable email address
An email user sometimes needs to provide the address to the site without a complete guarantee that the site owner will not use it to send spam. One way to reduce risk is to provide a disposable email address - an address that the user can suspend or abandon who forwards the email to the real account. Some services provide single-use address forwarding. Addresses may be disabled manually, may expire after a certain time interval, or may expire after a certain number of messages have been forwarded. Disposable email addresses may be used by the user to track whether the site owner has disclosed the address, or encountered a security breach.
Password Ham
Systems that use "password ham" require unknown senders to include in their email a password indicating that an email message is a "ham" (not spam) message. Usually ham email addresses and passwords will be explained on the web page, and the ham password will be included in the subject line of the email message (or added to the "username" section of the email address using the "plus address" technique). Ham codes are often combined with a filtering system that allows only messages that identify themselves as "ham".
Report spam
Tracking spammers' ISPs and reporting violations can lead to discontinued spammer services and criminal charges. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to track spammers, and although there are some online tools like SpamCop and Network Abuse Clearinghouse to help, they are not always accurate. Historically, reporting spam in this way has not played a major role in reducing spam, as spammers simply move their operations to other URLs, ISPs or IP address networks.
In many countries, consumers may also forward unwanted and deceptive commercial emails to the authorities, e.g. in the US to an email address ( spam at ) maintained by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), or similar institution in another country.
Automatic techniques for email administrators
There are now a large number of applications, tools, services, and software systems that email administrators can use to reduce the spam load on their systems and mailboxes. In general this attempt to refuse (or "block"), the majority of spam emails directly at the SMTP connection stage. If they receive a message, they will usually analyze the content further - and may decide to "quarantine" categorized as spam.
A number of systems have been developed that require domain owners to identify who can send mail. Many of these systems use DNS to register authorized sites to send emails on behalf of their spam. While not directly attacking spam, this system makes it much more difficult for spammers to spoof addresses.
System challenges/responses
Another method that can be used by internet service providers, by special services or companies to combat spam is to ask unknown senders to pass various tests before their messages are delivered. This strategy is called the challenge/response system or C/R . Some people think its use is as bad as spam because they place a load of spam battles on legitimate email senders who will often succumb to the slightest obstacle. This new implementation is done in Channel email.
Checksum-based filtering
Checksum-based filters exploit the fact that messages are sent in large numbers, that they will be identical to small variations. Checksum-based filters remove everything that may differ between messages, reduce what's left to checksums, and view checksums in databases that collect checksums of messages that email recipients deem as spam (some people have buttons in their email clients that they can click to nominate messages as spam); if the checksum is in the database, the message is likely to be spam.
The advantage of this type of filtering is that it allows ordinary users to help identify spam, and not just administrators, greatly increasing the bunch of spam fighters. The disadvantage is that spammers can insert an invisible crap - known as hashbusters - in the middle of each message, thus making each message unique and having a different checksum. This leads to an arms race between checksum software developers and spam-producing software developers.
Filtering methods based on Checksum include:
- Distribute the Checksum Clearinghouse
- Vipul's Razor
Filtering by country
Some email servers expect to never communicate with certain countries from which they receive a lot of spam. Therefore, they use state-based filtering - a technique that blocks emails from certain countries. This technique is based on the country of origin specified by the sender's IP address rather than the sender's nature.
DNS-based blacklist
DNS-based blacklists, or DNSBLs, are used for heuristic filtering and blocking. A site publishes a list (usually an IP address) through DNS, in such a way that an email server can be easily set to reject emails from those sources. There are a number of DNSBLs, each of which reflects different policies: some list sites are known to transmit spam; others register open relay or proxy mail; Another list of ISPs is known to support spam.
List of other well-known DNS ("white") or other bad ("black") DNS-based (or "black") anti-spam systems, including RHSBLs and URIBLs.
URL filtering
Most spam/phishing messages contain URLs that get them interested in clicking. So, a popular technique since the early 2000s consists of extracting URLs from messages and searching them in databases like Spamhaus' Domain Block List (DBL), SURBL, and URIBL.
Strict implementation of RFC standards
An email conformation analysis to the RFC standard for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) can be used to assess the likelihood of messages being spam. Many spammers use poorly written or non-compliant software because they do not have legitimate control over the computers they use to send spam (zombie computers). By setting a stricter limit on deviations from the RFC standards that will be accepted by the MTA, email administrators can significantly reduce spam, but all of these techniques are also at risk of rejecting mail from older servers or poorly written or configured.
Welcome delay - The delivery server must wait until it receives SMTP greeting banners before sending any data. Accidental pauses can be introduced by accepting servers to enable them to detect and reject spam delivery applications that are not waiting to receive these banners.
Temporary rejection - The greylisting technique is built on the fact that the SMTP protocol allows for temporary rejection of incoming messages. Greylisting temporarily denied all messages from an unknown sender or email server - using 4xx standard error code. All matching MTAs will continue to attempt submissions later, but many spammers and spammers will not try again, but switch to the next address on their list rather than wasting time resending to addresses that have indicated a problem. The downside of greylisting is that all legitimate messages from the sender will first experience delays in delivery. It is also possible that some legitimate messages will not be sent, if the mail server is poorly configured or designed (but legitimately) interprets the temporary rejection as permanent rejection and sends the bounce message to the original sender, instead of following the correct retry process.
HELO/EHLO check - RFC 5321 says that the "MAY" SMTP server verifies that the domain name argument in the EHLO command actually matches the client's IP address.However, if verification fails, the server SHOULD NOT refuse to receive messages on it. "However, the system can be configured to
- Rejects connections from hosts that provide invalid HELOs - for example, HELOs that are not FQDNs or IP addresses are not surrounded by square brackets.
- Rejects connections from hosts that provide fake HELO obvious
- Refused receiving emails whose HELO/EHLO argument was not resolved in DNS
Pipelining is invalid - Some SMTP commands are allowed to be placed in a single network packet and "pipelined". For example, if an email is sent with a CC: header, some SMTP "RCPT TO" commands may be placed in a single packet, not a packet per "RCPT TO" command. The SMTP protocol, however, requires that errors be checked and everything is synchronized at certain points. Many spammers will send everything in one package because they are not concerned with errors and it is more efficient. Some MTAs will detect this invalid pipelining and deny emails sent in this way.
Nolisting - Mail servers for a particular domain are assigned in the prioritized list, via MX records. The zero technique is the addition of MX records pointing to a server that does not exist as "primary" (ie with the lowest preference value) - meaning that the initial email contact will always fail. Many spam sources do not try to fail again, so spammers will move on to the next victim; a legit email server should retry the next higher numbered MX, and regular email will be sent with only a short delay.
Exit detection - SMTP connections should always be closed with the QUIT command. Many spammers skip this step because their spam has been sent and taking the time to close the connection properly takes time and bandwidth. Some MTAs are able to detect whether the connection is closed correctly and use this as a measure of how trustworthy other systems are.
Another approach is simply an imitation MTA that gives the display as an open mail relay, or a proxy TCP/IP proxy server that gives the display as an open proxy. Spammers who investigate systems for open relay/proxy will find such hosts and attempt to send mail through them, wasting their time and resources and potentially disclosing information about themselves and the origin of spam they send to entities that operate the honeypot. Such systems can easily throw spam attempts, send them to DNSBLs, or save them for analysis.
Hybrid filtering
Hybrid filtering , as implemented in open source SpamAssassin and Policyd-weight using some or all of the various tests for spam, and assigning numerical scores to each test. Each message is scanned for these patterns, and the applicable score is calculated. If the total is above a fixed value, the message is rejected or marked as spam. By ensuring that no spam testing can mark messages as spam, false positive numbers can be greatly reduced.
Some tools like the Barracuda Network Spam firewall, and services like Postini and Cudamail use spam and bayesian filtering to reach the threshold that determines the filtering action. The default example may be:
3 - Mark an email (add a "marked" or "suspected spam" type string to the email subject line to help end users check their inbox).
4.5 - Email quarantine (hold down, and email the end user to let them know that it is very likely spam and as a result they must login and view it). Usually this type of action is taken because of more "spam" features in email such as hyperlinks, more image content than text, or certain words.
6 - Block email (do not get past). Usually this action is taken because of emailing words like viagra, or links to malware sites, or urls known to be used by spammers, or have been blacklisted by various online blacklist services like Barracuda Central or SpamHaus.
Outgoing spam protection
Outbound spam protection involves scanning email traffic as it exits the network, identifying spam messages and then taking actions such as blocking messages or turning off traffic sources. Outbound spam protection can be implemented at a wide network level (using policy-based routing or similar techniques to route SMTP messages to filtering services). Alternatively, it can be implemented in a standard SMTP gateway. While the main economic impact of spam is on spam recipients, delivery networks also experience financial costs, such as wasted bandwidth, and the risk of having blocked IP addresses by accepting networks.
The advantage of outgoing spam protection is to stop spam before leaving the sending network, protecting the global network's acceptance of the damage and costs that should be caused by spam. It further lets system administrators track spam sources on the network and remediate them - for example, providing free anti-virus tools to customers whose machines are infected with viruses or participating in botnets. With a properly designed spam filtering algorithm, outbound spam filtering can be implemented with zero-positively zero positive levels, which makes customer related issues with legitimate emails blocked to a minimum.
When dealing with outbound spam, it is important to not only analyze the content of individual messages, but also to track the behavior of email senders over time. Shippers who exhibit suspicious behavior should be limited to limit the likelihood that they will send spam, which may even pass through a good filter.
There are several commercial software vendors that offer specialized outbound spam protection products, including MailChannels and CYREN. Open source options such as SpamAssassin may also be effective.
PTR/reverse DNS check
DNS records PTR in reverse DNS can be used for several things, including:
- Most email delivery agencies (mail servers) use backward DNS verification confirmed by the front end and if there is a valid domain name, enter it into the "Accepted:" trailer header field.
- Some email letter transfer agents will verify FCrDNS on domain names provided in the HELO and EHLO SMTP commands. See # HELO/EHLO Check.
- To check domain names in rDNS to see if they're possible from dial-up users, dynamically assigned addresses, or home-based broadband subscribers. Since most, but not all, emails from these computers are spam, many email servers also reject emails with missing or "generic" rDNS names.
- A Forward Confirmation of reverse DNS verification can make an authentication form that there is a valid relationship between the owner of the domain name and the network owner who has been assigned an IP address. Although dependent on DNS infrastructure, which has known vulnerabilities, this authentication is powerful enough to be used for whitelisting purposes because spammers and phishers typically can not pass this verification when they use zombie computers to forge domains.
Filter by rule
Content filtering techniques depend on the regular list of words or regular expressions that are not allowed in email messages. So, if a site receives spam advertising "Viagra herbs", the administrator might place this phrase in the filter configuration. The mail server will then reject any messages that contain the phrase.
Header filtering sees an email header that contains information about the origin, destination, and message content. Although spammers will often spoof fields in headers to hide their identity, or try to make emails appear more valid than many of these spoofing methods can be detected, and any violation of the RFC 5322 standard on how headers should be formed can also serve as a basis for rejecting messages.
SMTP callback verification
Because most spam has been forged and the sender is invalid ("from"), some spam can be detected by checking that the "from" address is valid. The mail server can try to verify the sender's address by setting up the SMTP connection back to the email address for the address, as if it were making a reflection, but it stops just before the email is sent.
Verification of callbacks can be in accordance with SMTP RFC, but has various weaknesses. Since almost all spam has falsified the sender's address, almost all callbacks are third-party email servers that are not related to spam. At the same time, there will be a lot of false negatives because spammers are abusing the original address and some false mistakes. One way to reduce the burden on an innocent server is to use other spam detection methods first and save the callback verification for the last one.
Another disadvantage of using a callback occurs when a spammer uses a trap address as the sender's address. If the MTA recipient tries to make a callback using a trap address in the MAIL FROM command, the recipient's IP address will be blacklisted. The VRFY and EXPN commands have been so exploited by spammers, that some SMTP admins allow them, and the presence of DNSBLs and the lack of VRFY or EXPN leave the recipient SMTP server there is no effective way to validate the sender's email address.
SMTP proxy
The SMTP proxy enables real-time spam combat, combines sender behavior control, provides direct feedback to legitimate users, eliminating the need for quarantine.
Spamtrapping is the seeding of an email address so that spammers can find it, but normal users can not. If an email address is used then the sender must be a spammer and a blacklist.
For example, consider the email address "". If this email address is placed in the HTML source of our website in a way that is not displayed on the web page, normal human will not see it. Spammers, on the other hand, use web page scrawlers and bots to harvest email addresses from HTML source code so they will find this address.
When spammers send emails with the destination "", SpamTrap knows this is very likely to be a spammer and can take appropriate action.
Filtering content stats
Statistics (or Bayesian) filtering once set up does not require administrative maintenance per se: instead, users mark messages as spam or nonspam and filtering software learn from this assessment. Thus, statistical filters do not reflect the bias of the author or the software administrator for the content, but rather the users . For example, a biochemist who studies Viagra will not have a message containing the word "Viagra" which is automatically marked as spam, since "Viagra" will often appear in its legitimate messages. However, spam emails containing the word "Viagra" are filtered because the content of the remaining spam messages differs significantly from the content of legitimate messages. Statistical filters can also respond quickly to changes to spam content, without administrative intervention, as long as the user consistently assigns false negative messages as spam when received in their email. Statistical filters can also see message headers, so not only consider the content but also the specificity of the email transport mechanism.
Typical statistical filtering uses single words in the calculation to decide whether a message should be classified as spam. A stronger calculation can be performed using groups of two or more words taken together. Then the words "noise" random can not be used as successfully to deceive the filter.
Software programs that employ statistical filtering include Bogofilter, DSPAM, SpamBayes, ASSP, Mozilla and Mozilla Thunderbird email programs, Mailwasher, and further revisions of SpamAssassin. Another interesting project is CRM114 which characterizes the phrase and classifies bayesian phrases.
There are also free POPFile mail filters, which sort emails in many categories as the user wants (family, friends, co-workers, spam, whatever) with Bayesian filtering.
A tarpit is server software that deliberately responds very slowly to client commands. By running a tarpit that treats normally received email and known spam slowly or appears to be an open email relay, a site may slow down the rate at which a spammer can inject messages into a mail facility. Many systems will only disconnect if the server does not respond quickly, which will eliminate spam. However, some legitimate email systems will also not handle this delay correctly.
Automatic technique for email senders
There are various techniques used by email senders to try to ensure that they do not spam. Failure to control the amount of spam sent, as assessed by email recipients, can often cause legitimate emails to be blocked and the sender must be put in DNSBLs.
Background checks on new users and subscribers
Because spammer accounts are often disabled for abuse policy violations, they keep trying to create new accounts. Due to the damage that occurs to the ISP's reputation when it is a spam source, many ISPs and webmail providers use CAPTCHAs in new accounts to verify that it's a real human signing up the account, and not an automated spam system. They can also verify that your credit card is not stolen before receiving new customers, check out the Spamhaus Project ROKSO list, and do other background checks.
Confirmed to select mailing list
Bad people can easily try to subscribe other users to mailing lists - to harass them, or make companies or organizations appear to be spam. To prevent this, all modern mailing list management programs (such as GNU Mailman, LISTSERV, Majordomo, and qmail's ezmlm) support "opt-in confirmation" by default. Each time an email address is presented to subscribe to the list, the software sends a confirmation message to the address. The confirmation message does not contain advertising content, so it is not interpreted as spam itself, and the address is not added to the direct mail list unless the recipient responds to a confirmation message.
Egress spam filtering
Email senders typically now perform the same type of anti-spam checks on emails from users and their customers as for inward emails coming from other parts of the Internet. This protects their reputation, which if it can not be harmed in case of infection by spammers malware.
Restrict email backscatter
If the receiving server initially fully receives the email, and only then determines that the message is spam or to a non-existent recipient, it will generate a bounce message back to the sender it should. However, if (as is often the case with spam), the sender's information in the incoming email is forged to become an unrelated third party then this bounce message is spam backscatter. For this reason it is generally preferred for most incoming email rejections to occur during the SMTP connection stage, with a 5xx error code, while the sending server is still connected. In this case, the sender server will report the problem to the actual sender cleanly. Blocking Port 25
Firewalls and routers can be programmed to not allow SMTP traffic (TCP port 25) from machines on networks that are not supposed to run Mail Transfer Agent or send mail. This practice is somewhat controversial when ISPs block home users, especially if ISPs do not allow blocking to be turned off on request. Email can still be sent from this computer to the designated smart host via port 25 and to other smart hosts via the mail delivery port 587.
Port 25 interception
The network address translation can be used to bypass all port 25 traffic (SMTP) and redirect it to email servers that impose spam filtering rate and egress restrictions. This is usually done in hotels, but can cause email privacy issues, as well as making it impossible to use STARTTLS and SMTP-AUTH if port 587 is not deployed.
Rate limits
Machines that suddenly start sending multiple emails may have become zombie computers. By limiting the rate of email delivery around what is typical for the computer in question, legitimate emails can still be sent, but large spam operations can be slowed down until manual investigation is possible.
Recurrence of spam report responses
By monitoring spam reports from places like spamcop, AOL feedback loop, and Network Abuse Clearinghouse, abuse of domain @ mailbox, etc., ISPs can often learn problems before they damage ISP's reputation and their mail servers are blacklisted.
FROM field control
Both malicious software and human spam senders often use fake FOR addresses when sending spam messages. Controls can be enforced on the SMTP server to ensure the sender can only use the correct email address in the FROM field of outgoing messages. In the user email database each user has a record with an email address. The SMTP server should check whether the email address in the FROM field of outgoing messages is the same address that the user credentials, which are provided for SMTP authentication. If the FROM field is forged, the SMTP error will be returned to the email client (eg "You do not have the email address you are trying to send").
Strong AUP and TOS Agreement
Most ISPs and webmail providers have Acceptable Terms of Use (AUP) or Service Agreement (TOS) agreements that prohibit spammers from using their system and allow spammers to stop quickly for violations.
Legal size
From 2000 onwards, many countries enacted specific laws to criminalize spam, and appropriate legislation and enforcement could have a significant impact on spam activity. If the law provides custom text that should include bulk email, it also keeps most "legitimate" emails more easily identifiable.
Increasingly, anti-spam efforts have led to coordination between law enforcers, researchers, major consumer financial services companies and Internet service providers in monitoring and tracking email spam, identity theft and phishing activity and gathering evidence for criminal cases.
Analysis of sites that are spamed by certain parts of spam can often be acted upon with domain registrars with great results.
New solutions and ongoing research
Several approaches have been proposed to improve the email system.
Cost-based system
Because spam is facilitated by the fact that large volumes of emails are very cheap to send, a set of proposed solutions will require the sender to pay a fee to send the email, making it very expensive for spammers. Anti-spam activist Daniel Balsam is trying to make spamming less profitable by bringing lawsuits against spammers.
Other techniques
There are a number of proposals for the sideband protocol that will help SMTP operations. The Anti-Spam Research Group (ASRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) works on a number of email authentication and other proposals to provide simple, lightweight, and scalable simple source authentication. Recent Task Force Internet (IETF) activities include MARID (2004) leading to two approved IETF experiments in 2005, and DomainKeys Identified Mail in 2006.
DMARC, which stands for "Domain Based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformity" menstandardkan how email recipients authenticate email using the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DKIM mechanism famous.
Channel emails are new proposals for sending emails that attempt to distribute anti-spam activity by forcing verification (possibly using bounce messages so that re-dispersion does not occur) when the first email is sent for a new contact.
Research conference
Spam is the subject of several research conferences, including:
- Working Group Anti-Abuse Message
External links
- AOL postmaster page depicting the Anti-Spam Technical Alliance Proposal (ASTA)
- The Anti-Spam Research Group Wiki, created by ASRG and still live
- Anti spam & amp; the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) resource page
- CAUBE.AU - Against Spam in Australia, Unsolicited Bulk Email Coalition, Australia
- Compile abuse reports - what to send, how to send them, where to send them - and what not to send or do.
- Computer Incident Advisor Advice: Counter Spamming E-Mail: Detecting and preventing e-mail spamming (Shawn Hernan, with James R. Cutler and David Harris)
- The Development of Spam Battle History in Relation to the Threat of Computer-Conscious Offenders, and Public Security by Neil Schwartzman.
- DDoS Email Attacks via Email Messages and Backscatter Messages
- United States, European Union, and other countries' law of spam and pending laws regarding unsolicited commercial email.
- Stop Spam Articles on spam in Scientific American
- Yahoo Anti-Spam Resource Center
Source of the article : Wikipedia