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Reflections on the Life & Work of Jacque Fresco - YouTube

Jacque Fresco (March 13, 1916 - May 18, 2017) is an American futurist and self-described social scientist. Self-taught, he works in various positions related to industrial design.

Fresco writes and lectures his views on sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management, cybernetic technology, automation, and the role of science in society. He directed the Venus Project and advocated the global application of the socio-economic system that he called a "resource-based economy".

Video Jacque Fresco

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Jacque Fresco was born on March 13, 1916, and grew up in a Sephardi Jewish household, at a family home in Bensonhurst, in the Brooklyn district of New York City. A teenager during the Great Depression, he spent time with friends discussing Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, science, and the future. Fresco attended the Young Communist League before being "physically expelled" for loudly stating that "Karl Marx is wrong!" after discussions with league presidents during the meeting. He left home at the age of 14, boarded and "jumped" the train as one called "Wild Boys of the Road". He then turned his attention to technocracy.

Maps Jacque Fresco


Aircraft industry

Fresco worked at Douglas Aircraft Company in California in the late 1930s. He presents designs including flying wings and disc-shaped aircraft. Some of its designs were considered impractical at the time and Fresco design ideas were not adopted. Fresco resigned from Douglas due to design disagreement.

In 1942, Fresco was recruited into the United States Army. He was assigned a technical design assignment for the United States Air Force Air Force at Wright Field's design laboratory in Dayton, Ohio. One of the designs he produced was the radical "variable camber wings" he used to optimize flight control by allowing the pilot to adjust the thickness and lift wings during the flight. Fresco did not adapt to military life and was discarded.

Trend Home

Fresco was commissioned by Earl "Madman" Muntz, to design a cheap house. Muntz invested $ 500,000 of seed money in the project. Fresco, 32 years old at the time, along with his colleagues Harry Giaretto and Eli Catran contained, designed and fabricated a project house called Trend Home . Fresco comes closest to traditional career success with this project. Built mostly from aluminum and glass, it was on a prominent display in Stage 8 of Warner Bros. Sunset Lot in Hollywood for three months. The house can be visited for a dollar, with proceeds going to the Cancer Prevention Society. In the summer of 1948, a Federal Housing Administration official met with Muntz about the project. The official proposal, according to Muntz, will add to the cost of bureaucracy that eliminates low production costs. Without federal or more private funding, the project does not go into mass production. This experience made Fresco come to the conclusion that society should be changed so that its discoveries reach their potential.

Scientific Research Lab

In the late 1940s, Fresco created and became director of the Scientific Research Laboratory in Los Angeles. Here he also lectures, and teaches technical design, while it researches and works on inventions as inventors of freelance and scientific consultants. During this period, Fresco struggled to get his research funded and faced setbacks and financial difficulties. In 1955, Fresco left California after his laboratory was moved to build the Golden State Freeway. Midland

In 1955 Fresco moved to Miami, Florida. He opened the business as a psychological consultant, but did not have a formal school in this field. Receiving a "barrage of criticism" from the American Psychological Association Fresco to stop the business. In a newspaper article from that time period, Fresco claims to have a degree from Sierra University, Los Angeles, California, which has not been verified.

Fresco describes the white supremacist organization he follows to test the feasibility of changing people. He said he would join the Ku Klux Klan and the local White Citizens Council in an attempt to change their views on racial discrimination.

In Miami Fresco presented a circular city design. Fresco makes a living by working as an industrial designer for various companies such as Alcoa and Major Realty Corporation.

In 1961, with Pietro Belluschi and C. Frederick Wise, Fresco collaborated on a project, known as the Sandwich House. Consisting of most prefabricated components, partitions, and aluminum, it sells for $ 2,950, or $ 7,500 with foundations and all internal installations. During this period, Fresco supported the project by designing prefabricated aluminum devices through Jacque Fresco Enterprises Inc.

From 1955 to 1969, Fresco named its social idea "Project Americana".

Viewing Next

Looking Forward was published in 1969. Author Ken Keyes Jr., and Jacque Fresco wrote with the book. Looking Forward, is a speculative look in the future. The authors describe an ideal cybernetic society in which desire has been discarded and work and private property no longer exist; individual satisfaction is total attention '.

Sociocyberneering, Inc.

Fresco formed "Sociocyberneering", a membership organization that claims 250 members, according to an interview with Fresco. He hosted lectures in Miami Beach and Coral Gables Fresco promoted his organization by teaching at university and performing on radio and television. Although Fresco is presented as a 'Doctor' on Larry King's show there is no evidence that it is the case. Fresco did not finish high school. "Sociocyberneering" Fresco as a membership group was stopped and land was purchased elsewhere in rural Venus, Florida. He set up his home and research center there.

A tribute to Jacques Fresco

The Venus project and next career

Fresco, with Meadows, supported the project in the 1990s through the invention of freelance, industrial engineering, conventional architectural modeling, and consultancy discovery.

In 2002, Fresco published its principal work The Best That Money Can not Buy . In 2006, William Gazecki directed a semi-biographical film about Fresco, Future by Design . In 2008, Peter Joseph featured Fresco in the movie Zeitgeist Addendum where his ideas about the future were given as a possible alternative. Peter Joseph, founder of the Zeitgeist Movement began to advocate Fresco's approach. In April 2012, the two groups split up because of disagreements about goals and objectives.

In 2010, Fresco sought to trademark the phrase "resource-based economy". This phrase is reviewed and considered too generic, so the trademark is denied.

Throughout 2010, Fresco traveled with Meadows, worldwide to promote interest in the Venus Project. On January 15, 2011, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward was released in theaters, featuring Fresco.

In November 2011, Fresco spoke to protesters at the "occupy Miami" location at the Government Center in Miami. In April 2012, Roxanne Meadows released the film, Paradise or Oblivion , summarizing the goals and proposals of the Venus Project. In June 2012, Maja Borg screened her movie, Future My Love, at the Edinburgh International Film Festival featuring works by Fresco and Roxanne Meadows.


Personal and family life

Fresco was born by immigrants from the Middle East, Isaac and Lena Fresco. His father was born in 1880 and around 1905 immigrated from Istanbul to New York where he worked as a horticulturist. He died in 1963. Fresco's mother was born in 1887 in Jerusalem and also migrated to New York around 1904. He died in 1988. Fresco was the brother of two brothers, a sister, Freda, and a brother, David.

Fresco had two weddings when he lived in Los Angeles and brought his second marriage through his first few years in Miami. He divorced his second wife in 1957 and remained unmarried thereafter. His second wife, Patricia, gave birth to a son, Richard, in 1953 and a daughter, Bambi, in 1956. Richard was a private soldier and died in 1976. Bambi died of cancer in 2010.

Fresco died on May 18, 2017 in his sleep at his home in Sebring, Florida, from a complication of Parkinson's disease at age 101.

Roxanne Meadows assisted Fresco from 1976. As a domestic partner and Fresco administration colleague, she oversaw many of the Venus Project's management.

RIP Jacque Fresco â€

Critical Rating

This is a "lack of professional involvement", William Gazecki who in 2006 completed Future by Design, a long profile from Jacque Fresco said, it hurt Fresco very much. "The real lost relationship in Jacque's world is to get Jacque to work," Gazecki said, "[This] is exemplified when people say: 'Well, show me some buildings that he built, and I do not mean a dome on Venus. look at the office building, let's look at the manufacturing plant, let's take a look at the circular city.'And there he should have been 30 years ago He should have implemented his work, in the real world... [but] he's not a collaborator, and I think that why he never had a great public achievement. "

When asked by a reporter why he had difficulty actualizing many of his ideas, Fresco replied, "Because I can not get anyone."

View in Fresco

Fresco's critical view of modern economics has been compared to Thorstein Veblen's concept of "the predatory phase of human development," according to an article in the Society of Business and Business Review journals. GrÃÆ'¸nborg has labeled another aspect of Fresco Ideology is the "tabula rasa" approach.

Synergetic theorist Arthur Coulter calls the design of Fresco city "organic" and "evolutionary" rather than revolutionary. Coulter argues such cities in response to Walter B. Cannon's idea of ​​achieving homeostasis for society.

Hypothetical form of government

Fresco describes his form of government in this way: "The purpose of the Project Venus has no parallels in history, not with communism, socialism, fascism or other political ideologies.This is true because cybernation is a new origin, with this system, the system of influence and financial control will not There are more. "

Ludwig von Mises Institute scholar Robert P. Murphy has raised the issue of economic calculations on resource-based economies. In a resource-based economy, Murphy believes there will be no ability to calculate resource availability and desire because the price mechanism is not used. Addressing this aspect, another article in the Austrian Economic Quarterly Journal criticized the issue of "planning center" drafting applies to Fresco's ideas.

Question utopianisme

The Venus Project states on its website that it is not Utopian. Nikolina Olsen-Rule, writing for the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, supports this idea,

For most people, project promises sound like an unattainable utopia, but if you look closer, there are many scientifically discovered arguments that open up the possibility of a new world.

Morten GrÃÆ'¸nborg, also of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, points out that the Venus Project is,

... Ã, The visionary idea of ​​a future society has many of the same characteristics as utopia.... Ã, The word utopia brings a double meaning, because in Greek it can mean both a good place (eutopia) and an absent place (outopia). A good place is exactly what Fresco has devoted his life to portray and fight for it.

Comments on Fresco

Hans-Ulrich Obrist writes that "The future of Fresco may, of course, seem outdated and its writings have been the subject of criticism for their fascistic tone of interest and similarity, but its contribution is engraved in popular souls and its eco-friendly concept continues, affecting the present generation we're progressive architects, urban planners and designers. "

Fresco's work gained the attention of science fiction fans and critics Forrest J Ackerman. Fresco later drew the Star Trek animator Doug Drexler, who worked with Fresco to produce some computer rendering from his design.

Commenting on Fresco, physicist Paul G. Hewitt writes that Fresco inspired him to a career in physical science.


Source of the article : Wikipedia
