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Royal Mail plc (Welsh: Brenhinol Post ; Scottish Gaelic: a 'Phuist RÃÆ'¬oghail ) is a postal service and courier company in the United Kingdom, originally established in 1516. The subsidiary company, Royal Mail Group Limited, operates the Royal Mail (mail) and Parcelforce Worldwide (package). The General Logistics System, an international logistics company, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Royal Mail Group.

The company provides mail collection and delivery service throughout the UK. Letters are stored on pillars or wall boxes, taken to the post office, or collected in large quantities from business. Delivery is done at least once every day except Sundays and bank holidays with uniform fees for all purposes in the UK. Royal Mail generally aims to make a first class delivery on the next business day across the country.

For much of its history, Royal Mail has become a public service, operating as a government department or a public company. However, following the 2011 Postal Service Act, most of the Royal Mail shares are auctioned on the London Stock Exchange in 2013. The British government initially retained a 30% stake in the Royal Mail but sold its remaining shares in 2015, ending 499 years of public ownership. This is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.

Video Royal Mail


The Royal Mail can trace its history back to 1516, when Henry VIII founded the "Master of the Posts", a position renamed "Postmaster General" in 1710.

After the accession to the British throne at Union of the Crowns in 1603, James VI and I transferred his castle to London. One of his first actions from London was establishing a royal postal service between London and Edinburgh, in an effort to maintain control over the Scottish Secret Council.

The Royal Mail service was first provided publicly by Charles I on July 31, 1635, with postage paid by the recipient. The monopoly was processed into Thomas Witherings.

In the 1640s Parliament abolished the monopoly of Witherings and during the First Civil and Commonwealth War, the parliamentary postal service was run with great advantage to itself by Edmund Prideaux (a prominent lawmaker and lawyer who rose to attorney general). To keep its monopoly in difficult times Prideaux improves efficiency and uses both legal and illegal methods.

In 1653 Parliament put aside all previous grants for the postal service, and the contract was left for inland and foreign letters to John Manley. Manley was given a monopoly on postal service, effectively enforced by the government of the Protector Oliver Cromwell, and thanks to the war's demanding improvements, Manley operated a much better Post Office service. In July 1655, the Post Office was under the direct control of the government of John Thurloe, a Secretary of State, and best known in history as General Spymaster Cromwell. The British government had previously tried to prevent conspirators from communicating, Thurloe would rather send their posts quietly reading them. When the Protectorate claimed to rule all Great Britain and Ireland under a unified government, on June 9, 1657, the Second Protecting Parliament (which included both Scottish and Irish MPs) passed the "Act to complete the Post in England, Scotland and Ireland" a monopoly Post Office for the whole of the Commonwealth. The first post-lead General was appointed in 1661, and the seal was first corrected to the post.

In the restoration of the monarchy, in 1660, all the ordinances and actions passed by parliament during the Civil and Interregnum Wars were passed, so the General Post Office (GPO) was officially established by Charles II in 1660.

Between 1719 and 1763, Ralph Allen, a postmaster in Bath, signed a series of contracts with the post office to develop and expand the UK post network. He arranged the mail coach provided by Wilson & amp; Companies London and Williams & amp; Company Bath. The initial Royal Mail coach was similar to an ordinary family coach but with a Post Office livery.

The first letter coach ran in 1784, operating between Bristol and London. Delivery staff received the uniform for the first time in 1793, and the Post Office of Inquiry was established; it is the oldest recognized criminal investigation authority in the world. The first post train operated in 1830, at Liverpool and Manchester Railway. The Post Office order money system was introduced in 1838.

Uniform delivery rate

In December 1839, the first substantial reform began when postal rates were revised by the short-lived Fourpenny Uniform Post. Larger changes occurred when the Post Penny Uniforms were introduced on January 10, 1840, where a single rate for shipping anywhere in the UK and Ireland was paid in advance by the shipper. A few months later, to declare that the postage has been paid by mail, the sender can put the first stamped adhesive stamp, Penny Black available for use starting May 6th of the same year. Another innovation is William Mulready's pre-paid introduction to designing cover letters and mailing envelopes.

Since Britain is the first country to issue postage stamps of prepaid postage, British stamps are the only stamps that do not contain the name of the country that is a problem for them.

At the end of the 19th century, there were between six and twelve mail deliveries per day in London, allowing correspondents to exchange letters in one day.

The first attempt of the London Pneumatic Despatch Company was made in 1863, sending letters by subway between postal depots. The Post Office began its telegraph service in 1870.

Pillar boxes

The first Post Office pillar box was founded in 1852 in Jersey. Box pillars were introduced in mainland England the following year. British pillar boxes traditionally carry the Latin initials of the ruling kings during their installation, for example: VR for Victoria Regina or GR for Georgius Rex . Such branding is not used in Scotland because of a dispute over the current king title. Some Scottish nationalists have argued that Queen Elizabeth II should only be Queen Elizabeth since there was not previously Queen Elizabeth of Scotland or the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland (Elizabeth I was the only Queen of the pre-1603 and Welsh Kingdoms). The dispute includes vandalism and attacks on pillars and post boxes introduced in Scotland featuring EIIR. To avoid disputes, the pillar boxes in Scotland are marked 'Post Office' or use the Kingdom of Scotland.

The national telephone service was opened by the Post Office in 1912. In 1919, the first international air mail service was developed by Royal Engineers (Postal Station) and Royal Air Force. The London Post Office Railway Office opened in 1927.

In 1941 an airgraph service was introduced between Britain and Egypt. The service was later expanded to: Canada (1941), East Africa (1941), Burma (1942), India (1942), South Africa (1942), Australia (1943), New Zealand (1943) Ceylon (1944) 1944).

Legal company

Under the Postal Law Act of 1969, the General Post Office was changed from government departments to law firms, known only as Post Offices. The Postmaster General's office was removed and replaced by the position of chairman and chief executive at the new company.

The two-grade postal system was introduced in 1968, using first-class and second-class services. The Post Office opened the National Giro Bank that year.

In 1971, postal services in the United Kingdom were suspended for two months between January and March as a result of a national post strike on payment claims. Zip codes were extended throughout Great Britain and Northern Ireland between 1959 and 1974.

Postal workers held their first national strike for 17 years in 1988 after exiting bonuses paid to recruit new workers in London and the Southeast. Royal Mail established Romec (Royal Mail Engineering & Construction) in 1989 to provide facility maintenance services for its business. Romec is 51% owned by Royal Mail and 49% by Haden Building Management Ltd which became Balfour Beatty WorkPlace and now Cofely UK, part of GDF Suez in the joint venture.

British Telecom was separated from the Post Office Corporation in 1980 and devoted as an independent business in 1981. Girobank was sold to Alliance & amp; Leicester in 1990 and Royal Mail Parcels was renamed Parcelforce. The remaining business continues under public ownership as this privatization is considered too unpopular. However, in the 1990s the President of the Trade Council Michael Heseltine began to investigate the possibility of selling and finally the Green Paper on Postal Reform was published in May 1994, outlining various options for privatization. The ideas, proved controversial and excluded from the 1994 Queen's Speech after a number of Conservative MPs warned Heseltine that they would not vote for the law.


After the change of government in 1997, the Labor government decided to maintain the state-owned Post Office but with more commercial freedom. This led to the Postal Service Act 2000, where the Post Office became a public limited company in which the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry had 50,004 common shares plus 1 special share, and Treasury Solicitor held 1 common share. The company changed its name to Consignia plc in 2001 and the new name was meant to show that the company did more than send a letter; However, the change was very unpopular for both the public and employees. The Communications Workers' Union (CWU) boycotted the name, and the following year, it was announced that the company would be renamed Royal Mail Group plc.

In 1999, Royal Mail launched a short-lived e-commerce venture, ViaCode Limited, aimed at providing an encrypted online communications service. But failed to make a profit and closed in 2002.

As part of the 2000 Act, the government established a postal regulator, Postal Service Commission, known as Postcomm, which offers licenses to private companies to send letters. In 2001, the Consumer Council for Postal Services, known as Postwatch, was made for consumers to express any concerns they may have with postal services in the UK.

In 2004, the second daily delivery was canceled in an effort to reduce costs and increase efficiency, which means a single delivery will then be made. That year, the post office mail cart was also fired. They returned on several lines the following year.

On January 1, 2006, Royal Mail lost its 350-year monopoly and the UK post market became very open to competition. Competitors are allowed to collect and sort mail, and pass it on to Royal Mail for delivery, a service known as downstream access. Royal Mail introduces Pricing in Proportion (PiP) for first and second-class ground shipping, where prices are influenced by the size and weight of the goods. It also introduces an online postage service, enabling customers to pay online postage.

In 2007, Royal Mail Group plc became Royal Mail Group Ltd. in a minor change of legal status. Royal Mail ended the Sunday collection from the pillar box that year.

On October 1, 2008, Postwatch merged into the new consumer watchdog, Consumer Focus.

In 2008, due to the continuing drop in mail volume, the government commissioned an independent review of the postal services sector by Richard Hooper CBE, former vice chairman of Ofcom. Recommendations in Hooper Review caused Business Minister Lord Mandelson to seek the privatization of the company by selling minority shares to commercial partners. However, despite the legislation for the sale of passing the House of Lords, it was abandoned in the House of Commons after strong opposition from the backbench Labor MPs. The government then cited the difficult economic conditions for the reasoning behind the retreat.

After the departure of Adam Crozier to ITV plc on May 27, 2010, Royal Mail appointed Canadian Moya Greene as chief executive, the first woman to hold the post.

As of December 6, 2010, a number of paid services including Admail, post office boxes and personal mailboxes have been removed from the Rural Position Scheme (ILPS) and become available under contract. Some free services include a petition to parliament and sovereignty, and poste restante is removed from the scheme.


After the 2010 general election, the new Business Secretary of the coalition government, Vince Cable, asked Richard Hooper CBE to expand its report, to take account of the EU Directive 2008/6/EC calling for the postal sector to be fully open to competition. as of December 31, 2012. Based on the Hooper Reviews Update, the government passed the 2011 Postal Services Act. The law allows up to 90% Royal Mail to be privatized, with at least 10% of the shares owned by Royal Mail employees.

As part of the 2011 Act, Postcomm merged into the Ofcom communications regulator on October 1, 2011, with Ofcom introducing a simplified set of simplified rules for postal services on March 27, 2012. On March 31, 2012, the Government took over the historic assets and obligations of the Royal pension scheme Mail, freeing the Royal Mail from his large pension deficit. On April 1, 2012, Post Office Ltd. became independent of Royal Mail Group and reorganized to become a subsidiary of Royal Mail Holdings, with separate management and board of directors. An inter-business 10-year deal is signed between the two companies to enable Post Office to continue publishing stamps and handling letters and parcels for the Royal Mail. The law also contains options for Post Office Ltd to become a joint organization in the future.

In July 2013, business secretary Vince Cable announced Royal Mail would be auctioned on the London Stock Exchange and confirmed that postal staff would be entitled to free shares. Cable explains his position before the House of Commons:

The government's decision on sales is practical, it is logical, it is a commercial decision designed to put the future of Royal Mail in a long-term sustainable business. This is consistent with developments elsewhere in Europe where privatization operators in Austria, Germany and Belgium generate much higher profit margins than Royal Mail but continue to provide high-quality and growing services.

Royal Mail chief executive Moya Greene publicly endorsed Cable, stating that the sale would provide staff with "meaningful share in the company", while the public would be able to "invest in a large UK institution". On September 12, 2013, a six-week plan for sales of at least half of the business was released to the public; The Communications Workers' Union (CWU), which represents over 100,000 Royal Mail employees, says that 96% of Royal Mail staff are against sales. A postal staff ballot in relation to national strike action is expected to take place in late September 2013.

Applications for members of the public to purchase shares open on September 27, 2013, ahead of the listing of companies on the London Stock Exchange on October 15, 2013. The government is expected to maintain between 37.8% and 49.9% ownership in the company. A report on October 10, 2013 revealed that approximately 700,000 applications for shares have been received by HM Government, more than seven times the amount available to the public. Business Secretary Vince Cable stated: "The goal is to put stocks with long-term investors, we're absolutely sure that's going to happen." At the time of the report, Royal Mail staff continued to vote on potential strike action.

Conditional trading in stocks commenced on October 11, 2013, ahead of the full list on October 15, 2013. After the IPO, 52.2% of Royal Mail has been sold to investors, with 10% granted to employees for free. Due to high demand for shares, an additional 7.8% was sold through an over-allotment setting on November 8, 2013. This made the government with 30% stake in Royal Mail and à £ 1.98 billion raised from stock sales.

CWU confirmed on October 13, 2013 that a strike action will occur in response to the privatization of the Royal Mail, with possible dates starting October 23, 2013. The union sources stated: "This may be the first all-out strike, then a rolling strike in the run up to Christmas", while CWU has rejected the offer of an 8.6% increase over three years as "misleading and unacceptable". Prior to the announcement of the voting result on the afternoon of October 16, 2013, employees were offered £ 300 to cross the picket line if a national post strike occurred. CWU canceled the strike action on October 30, 2013 while negotiations continued with Royal Mail management. The talks are extended on 13 November 2013, with the aim that an agreement is reached by both parties on November 20, 2013. The Royal Mail confirmed that both parties had reached the proposed settlement on December 4, and CWU confirmed on December 9, 2013 that it would recommend an agreement to its members. On February 6, 2014, CWU confirmed that Royal Mail staff had chosen to accept the settlement.

Post privatization

Stock prices rose 38% on the first day of conditional trading, leading to allegations that the company has been undervalued. Six months later, the market price was 58% more than the selling price and peaking as high as 87% - many of these gains were obtained by large investors, such as pension funds and hedge funds, which were given priority over the allocation of shares. Business Secretary Vince Cable defended the low selling price that has been resolved - saying the threat of strike action around the time of sale meant it was a reasonable price in the situation - following the interrogation of the House of Commons Business Committee at the end of April 2014 On behalf of himself and Business Minister Michael Fallon, Cable stated before the Committee: "We do not apologize for that and we do not regret it."

Cable was requested to respond to the issue of resale price on July 11, 2014 after a report was published on that date by the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee (BIS). Led by Adrian Bailey MP, his report concludes:

It is clear that the Government fulfills its purpose in terms of delivering a privatized Royal Mail with employee division schemes. However, it is unclear whether the value for money is reached and whether the Minister gets the appropriate returns to the taxpayer. We agree with the National Audit Office that the Government fulfills its primary objectives. On the basis of stock price performance to date, it appears that taxpayers have lost significant value.

The report also concludes that "Government overemphasizes risks" with respect to industrial relations between the government and CWU, with the BIS Committee referring to the Royal Mail share price before, during and after finalizing the payment agreement with Unity. During the presentation of the report, Bailey referred to support factors of "fear of failure and poor quality advice", and warned that British taxpayers could sustain further losses in the future due to the Royal Mail's 'surplus' assets as part of "the most significant privatization in a few years ". The BIS committee called on the British government to publish the list of preferred investors involved in the sale, including details of investors who sold their holdings. Billy Hayes, CWU's secretary-general, also responded to the BIS report: "The report on the Bus committee published today shows the level of government incompetence in the privatization of the Royal Mail."

In 2014, the London Assembly voted to call for the Royal Mail's renationalization.

On June 4, 2015, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced the government would sell the remaining 30% of its shares. A 15% stake is then sold to investors on June 11, 2015, raising Ã,  £ 750 million, with more than 1% being handed over to company employees. The government completed the disposal of its shareholding on October 12, 2015, when a 13% stake sold for £ 591 million and another 1% was given to employees. In total, the government raised  £ 3.3 billion from full privatization of the Royal Mail.

Maps Royal Mail


Universal service

Royal Mail is required by law to maintain universal service, where items of a certain size can be sent to any location in the UK for a fixed price, unaffected by distance. The Postal Services Act 2011 ensures that Royal Mail will continue to provide universal service up to at least 2021.

Custom View

Royal Mail Special Delivery is an accelerated mail service that guarantees delivery by 1 pm or 9am the following day for an increased fee. If the goods do not arrive on time there is a money-back guarantee. It insures the goods between the value of Ã, Â £ 50 to 9Ã, am or Ã, Â £ 500 for 1 ÃÆ' toÃ, ÃÆ' toÃ, ÃÆ' toÃ, Â £ 2,500 (for good service).

Business services

Royal Mail runs, in addition to its stamped mail service, another sector of the post called business mail. Most of the Royal Mail's business mail services are for PPI or in-frank mail, where the sender prints their own 'stamp'. For PPI letters, these include simple rubber stamps and ink pads, or printed labels. For in-frank email, special introduction engines are used.

Mass business mailing, using Mailmark® technology, attracts a 32% reduction in the price, if the sender prints a RM4SCC barcode, or prints the address at a specific position on the envelope using a font that can be read by optical character recognition (OCR) equipment.


Royal Mail will not carry any number of items that are said to be harmful to staff or vehicles. In addition, the list of 'limited' goods may be shipped depending on the conditions. Prohibited goods include alcohol, corrosive liquids or flammable liquids or solids, gases, controlled drugs, offensive or offensive materials, and human and animal remains.

In 2004 the Royal Mail applies to Postcomm regulators later to ban the transport of sports firearms, saying they cause disruption to the network, that the ban will help police with gun control, and that ease of access means the mail network is a criminal target. Postcomm issued a consultation on proposed changes in December 2004, in which 62 people and organizations responded.

In June 2005 the Postcomm decided to refuse the request on the grounds that the Royal Mail did not provide sufficient evidence that carrying firearms caused undue interruption or that a ban would reduce the number of illegal weapons. He also said the ban would cause unnecessary difficulties for individuals and businesses.

In August 2012 the Royal Mail again attempted to prohibit the transport of all firearms, air rifles and air pistols from November 30, 2012. This quotes Section 14 (1) of the 1998 Firearms Act (Amendment), which requires firefighters to "take action reasonable." precautions "for their custody and argue that to comply would involve disproportionate fees.A Royal Mail's public consultation document on change said:" We expect the impact on customers to be minimal ".

The proposal provoked a big negative response after a campaign led by the British Association of Shooting and Conservation and supported by many websites and organizations related to the shootings. A total of 1,458 people gave their views in emails and letters sent to the Royal Mail. The online petition opposing the proposal was signed by 2,236 people, 1,742 of whom added comments. In the face of the opposition, Royal Mail dropped the proposal in December 2012.

Unsuccessful promotional mail delivery

Royal Mail's "Door to door" service provides leaflets, brochures, catalogs and other printed materials for selected domestic and business address groups based on zip code. Such shipments are made by the postal courier as part of the daily round. Companies using Door to door services include Virgin Media, BT, Sky, Talk Talk, Farmfood, Domino's Pizza, Direct Line and Morrisons. In 2005 the service generated 3.3 billion items.

The "Door to door" service does not use the English Mailing Preferences Service - on the contrary, Royal Mail operates its own allowance database. Warnings about missing government communications provided by Royal Mail to customers who opt out of their services have been criticized by customers and consumer groups. The clarification provided by the company in June 2015 explained that unlinked communications and government elections would be sent to customers even if they did not participate.

Royal Mail Customer Service Contact Free Number: 0800 917 0640
src: freecontactnumbers.co.uk


In 2013, Royal Mail employs about 150,000 permanent post workers. An additional 18,000 casual workers worked during November and December to help with additional Christmas post.

In 2011, Royal Mail established an internal agency, Angard Staffing Solutions, to recruit temporary workers. The Royal Mail is accused of trying to avoid Labor Union Regulations, but denied this, saying they just wanted to reduce recruitment costs. In January 2012 it was reported that Angard had failed to pay some workers for several weeks.

The Royal Mail industry dispute included a seven-week strike in 1971 following a payment dispute and another strike in 1988 because bonuses were paid to new recruited staff in London and Southeast.

The Royal Mail suffered a nationwide wild strike over wages and conditions in 2003. In the Autumn of 2007, disputes about modernization began to escalate into industrial action. In mid-October, CWU and Royal Mail approved a resolution for the dispute.

In December 2008, workers at mail centers were influenced by proposals to rationalize the number of mailing centers (especially in northwest England) again opting for strike action, potentially affecting Christmas deliveries. The action was delayed less than 24 hours before the staff was scheduled to leave.

Local strikes took place across the UK starting June 2009 and growing in frequency throughout the summer. In September 2009, CWU opened a national ballot for industrial action for the failure of the Royal Mail to reach a national agreement covering job protection, payments, terms and conditions and termination of managerial executive action. The ballot was passed in October, causing a number of two and three day strikes.

Penny Post Credit Union

Penny Post Credit Union Limited is a savings and credit cooperative established by the joint project with CWU in 1996, such as Royal Mail Wolverhampton and Credit Union Employees District, became the Royal Mail (West) Credit Union in 2000, before adopting its current name in 2001 Based in North West Midlands Mail Center, it is a member of the British Credit Unions Limited Association.

Credit unions are authorized by the Prudential Rule Authority and governed by the Financial Conduct Authority and PRA. Ultimately, like banks and building societies, member savings are protected against business failure by the Financial Services Compensation Plan.

eBay Seller Metrics and Royal Mail Tracked 24 & 48 concerns - Tamebay
src: tamebay.com


Royal Mail is governed by Ofcom, while consumer interests are represented by the Citizens Advice Bureau. The relationship between the two body predecessors (Postcomm and Postwatch) is not always good, and in 2005, Postwatch took Postcomm for a review of its decision regarding rebates to late paying customers.

Royal Mail has, in some parts, a bad reputation for losing email despite its claims that more than 99.93% of incoming mail securely and in 2006 fined £ 11.7m due to the number of letters lost, stolen or damaged. In the first three months of 2011, about 120,000 letters were lost.

In July 2012 Ofcom consulted on a scheme proposed by Royal Mail to change its shipping obligations thus allowing larger posts to be left with neighbors rather than returning them to the Royal Mail office to await collection. This scheme is presented as offering consumers greater choice to receive mail when not at home, ie if Royal Mail delivers goods according to their stated contractual obligations and is said to be following Royal Mail research from a 'delivery to neighbor' trial in six English areas showing customer satisfaction widely. In a statement dated September 27, 2012, Ofcom announced it would approve the scheme after noting that more goods were purchased over the internet and that Royal Mail competitors were allowed to leave undeliverable items with neighbors. People who do not want to have packages left with neighbors, or accept others, can opt-out by displaying free pickers near their mailboxes. Royal Mail remains responsible for items that can not be delivered until received by the recipient or returned to the sender.

Ofcom suggested in October 2012 that first and second-class postal systems can be replaced by one class. The new class will be set at a price higher than the current second class, but will be delivered in a shorter time period.

Government of Singapore is the second biggest private owner of ...
src: www.britishsouthindians.co.uk


Email center

Royal Mail operates a network of 38 mail centers. Each mailing center serves a large geographical area of ​​the UK and together they form a backbone network of mail distribution operations. Letters are collected and taken to one of the mail centers. Letters are exchanged between mail centers and then forwarded to one of the 1,356 shipping offices, from which the final shipment is made or the remaining P739 cards.

As part of the sorting process, letters are collected from pillar boxes, Post Office branches and businesses, and taken to local mail centers. The process is divided into two parts. An 'out' sequence identifies a letter for delivery in the geographic area of ​​the email center, which is maintained, and a letter designated to another mail center, which is sent. 'Inward' sorting letters received from other centers to the relevant delivery offices within the mail center area.

Integrated mail processing

Integrated mail processing (IMP) is the method Royal Mail uses to sort mail (in bulk) before shipping and has implemented technology since 1999. The system works with the automatic optical character recognition of the postcode. The integrated mail processor scans the front and back of the envelope and translates the address into machine-readable code. The letters are colored orange neon barcodes that represent addresses. The barcode follows the RM4SCC pattern. As per mail items there are more than 250 kinds of information collected from the mail class to the indicia type. Some of the scanning and detection features have been removed because they have been replaced by newer technologies. This is known as the Extension of Life (EOL) IMP program.

Intelligent mail sorter

Royal Mail operates 66 smart letter sorter machines (ILSMs) in the UK and installed in the mid-1980s and early 1990s to improve the speed and efficiency of sorting and mailing. It processes over 36,000 items per hour and is part of an ongoing modernization program that began in the early 1980s.

International mail

Royal Mail operates an international mail-sorting center in Langley, Berkshire is close to Heathrow Airport called the Heathrow Worldwide Distribution Center to handle all international airmail arriving in and leaving the UK, plus several containers and letters being transported by road.

List of mail centers

As of June 2016, 38 operational mailing centers (divided into Royal Mail territories) are:

  • East: Chelmsford, Ipswich, Norwich, Nottingham, Peterborough, Romford, Sheffield, South Midlands (Northampton)
  • West: Birmingham, Chester, Manchester, North West Midlands (Wolverhampton), Preston, Warrington
  • Southeast: Croydon, Gatwick (Crawley), Greenford, Home Counties North (Hemel Hempstead), Jubilee (Hounslow), Medway, Mount Pleasant
  • Southwest: Bristol, Cardiff, Dorset (Poole), Exeter, Plymouth, Southampton, Swansea, Swindon, Truro
  • North: Aberdeen, Inverness, Carlisle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Northern Ireland (Newtownabbey), Tyneside (Gateshead)


The number of mail centers has dropped as part of the Email Central Rationalization Program. In 2008, there were 69 mailing centers and by 2010 there were 64. It is estimated that about half of these can be closed by 2016. Oldham and Stockport along with the Oxford and Reading newspapers centers all closed in 2009 and Bolton, Crewe, Liverpool, Northampton, Coventry and Milton Keynes closed in 2010. Farnborough, Watford and Stevenage closed in 2011. Hemel Hempstead, Southend, Worcester closed in 2012. Dartford, Tonbridge, Maidstone and Canterbury closed in 2012 but was replaced by a new mail center in Rochester. Mail centers in East London and South London are closed during the summer of 2012.

In 2013 and 2014, eight more letter centers are planned to close. Old postal centers in Northampton, Coventry and Milton Keynes were replaced with the new Midlands newspaper center in Northampton which included Warwickshire, Coventry, Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes. The South Midlands Mail Center is the largest in the UK.


The Royal Mail is famous for its cargo that carries bicycles (with shelves and baskets built into the frame), made by Pashley Cycles since 1971. Since 2000, old shipping bikes have been shipped to Africa by the Re ~ Cycle charity; more than 8,000 have been donated by 2004. In 2009, the Royal Mail announced that they began to stop bike shipments, to be replaced with more push-trolleys and vans. A spokesman said that they will continue to use the bikes on some rural routes, and that there are no plans to stop the bike completely.

In addition to running a large number of road vehicles, Royal Mail uses trains, a ship and several aircraft, with air centers at East Midlands Airport. Special evening mail flights are operated by Titan Airways for the Royal Mail between East Midlands Airport and Bournemouth Airport and between Exeter International Airport and London Stansted Airport. One Boeing 737-3Y0 flown in full Royal Mail livery. In June 2013, Royal Mail confirmed it will extend Titan Airways' contract to operate night flights from Stansted Airport from January 2014 to January 2017, introducing new routes to Edinburgh and Belfast using three Boeing 737s. The new contract calls for the replacement of British Aerospace 146-200QC ( Quick Change) that supports the Boeing 737 standard fleet, and the type was withdrawn by Titan Airways in November 2013.

RMS Helena is a cargo and passenger ship serving the British overseas territory of Saint Helena. Sailing between Cape Town, Saint Helena and Ascension Island. This is one of the two operating Royal Mail Ships, in addition to Queen Mary 2, even though it does not belong to the Royal Mail Group.

Royal Mail operates the London Post Office Railway, a network of unlicensed trains operating on a private underground line, from 1927 to closed in 2003.

Overview | Royal Mail Group
src: www.royalmailgroup.com

British Foreign Territory and Crown Dependencies

The British Foreign Territory and Crown Dependencies were allowed to build independent postal systems, and usually now have local government agencies, British government delegates, or BFPOs as post operators. (See List of post entities.) Although served by independent operators, three Crown Dependencies use the British postcode in collaboration with the Royal Mail; each dependency has its own postal area. The same price is charged by four carriers for shipping across their collective areas, although delivery times vary and interjurisdiction letters must clear customs.

Royal Mail (@RoyalMail) | Twitter
src: pbs.twimg.com

See also

  • Postage stamps and history of the United Kingdom
  • Royal Mail bracelet
  • London Penny Post
  • List of companies based in London
  • The Barbados Postal Service and its predecessor - created by Royal Mail in 1663 for postal services in former Crown colonies, and parts of RM to 1851
  • Hongkong Post - created by Royal Mail in 1841 for postal service in the former Mahkota colony, and a portion of RM to 1860
  • The Canadian Post
  • Australia Post
  • List of oldest companies
  • Caribbean Postal Union
  • Credit unions in the United Kingdom

Royal Mail is going greener with all-electric vans
src: s.aolcdn.com


  • Campbell-Smith, Duncan (2011). Master Post - Official History of the Royal Mail . Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-241-95766-0.
  • Browne, Christopher (1993). Getting a Message - The Story of the British Post Office . Alan Sutton. ISBNÃ, 0-7509-0351-1.
  • Short history Post Office - Publication public relations GPO 1965

Royal-Mail - Post Office Shop Blog
src: blog.postofficeshop.co.uk

External links

  • Official website
  • Company website
  • Penny Post Credit Union
  • The British Post Worker Website
  • Post Office

Source of the article : Wikipedia
