Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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The welfare of farmed insects involves the care of insects raised for animal feed, pet food, human consumption (entomophagy), and other purposes such as honey and silk.

Video Welfare of farmed insects

Debate on the significance of the problem

Scientists remain unsure about the existence and level of pain in invertebrates, including insects. Nonetheless, the welfare of insects is being taken increasingly serious in laboratory settings. Vincent Wigglesworth suggests an approach to the prevention of anesthetic insects during potentially painful procedures. John Cooper has written on techniques for "Anesthesia, analgesia, and invertebrate euthanasia" including insects. Neil A. C. Bennie and colleagues propose methods for chemical euthanasia of other terrestrial insects and arthropods.

Some authors have begun to expand discussions about the welfare of insects outside the laboratory to the domain of increasing insects for food. The new Dutch Veterinary Law which came into force on 1 January 2013 creates a regulatory framework for animal welfare based on five freedoms, and the law specifically lists a number of species of insects as "production animals" whose welfare needs to be respected. Dutch politician Marianne Thieme posed a series of questions that pointed to the fear that insect farms would double the number of animals cultivated and killed for human consumption. Robert Nathan Allen of the Little Herds pro-entomophagy organization feels that the welfare of insects is important, although he believes that well-managed farms can maintain high standards of care. Some entomophagy suppliers highlight the importance of humane insect care. For example, World Ento uses the name "Good Karma Killing" to describe the process of freezing an insect into a static state. The FAO 2013 report on "edible insects" includes a section that promotes high standards of well-being in entomofag surgery, although uncertainty about whether insects can suffer.

Others feel that considering the health of the planted insects is too far away. Rhys Southan points out that even most vegans do not really care about insects, but that "Insects are animal rights, Larry Flynt is the First Amendment - you have to uphold their rights even if you do not want to, or the whole thing is a mess." by proposing satirical slogans that insect activists may use against entomophagy. Wesley J. Smith rejected a proposal that "We must begin to reflect on the welfare of the insects we consume," adding: "See how crazy things get once human exceptions are denied?" Smith cites the parody website, "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Insects." This site displays articles that pretend to be worried about insects eaten alive by contestants at Survivor .

Maps Welfare of farmed insects

Consideration of wellbeing to enlarge

Since there are few standard protocols for insect maintenance, most farmers learn the best production methods by trying and wrong. For example, if they kill an insect colony by regulating the temperature too high, they avoid doing so in the future. Most farmers keep their techniques secret so as not to be copied by other farms.

Because there are many types of insects, it is not possible to design a protocol for its treatment. A case-by-case understanding is required.


When a virus infects an insect breeding facility, the virus spreads rapidly and kills most insects.

Humans can spread the disease to cultivated insects. So, sanitation is very important, and only farm staff should have access to insects. For example, the company of Van de Ven has an outbreak of a pathogen that kills all the worms of its Zophobas morio, and the breeders hypothesize that the disease may have been brought by human visitors.

Giving insects a hot gradient can sometimes help prevent disease because behavioral thermoregulation can suppress pathogens.


Jagran's Walter Jansen company increases house flies for use as animal feed. Humidity should be carefully controlled to avoid dehydration or drowning of insects.


Insects are poikilothermic, but maintaining an adequate temperature range remains important. For example, food worms develop best when living close together, but this can cause overheating if temperatures are not controlled.


Some insects such as grasshoppers start eating each other when they become overcrowded or malnourished. Sufficient space and essential nutrients to prevent this.

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Method of Slaughter

Developing the world

Entomophagy is common in many developing countries, such as Thailand and Mexico. Usually murder is done without euthanasia. Example:

  • The termites are eaten directly where they are found or taken home to be roasted on charcoal or fried.
  • Crickets are boiled, fried, or stir-fry.
  • Water bugs can be eaten whole, steamed, fried, or roasted and canned.
  • The scorpion is stabbed alive and fried with oil.
  • Tarantulas are fried in oil or baked on a fire.

In Silveiras, Brazil, residents picked wings from ants and then fried them or dipped them in chocolate. In Thailand, crickets are collected fresh in the morning and then fried.

Industrial farming

Small research has been done on a humane method of killing insects for consumption.

The most common killing methods employed by entomophagic companies in the Netherlands are freezing and freezing (ie, freezing and reducing the pressure to extract water from insects).

Protix Biosystems kills its black soldiers by tearing up, because the end product is powdered. Death takes less than a second. Tarique Arsiwalla in Protix says, tearing makes sense because Western consumers are more likely to accept powder insects than whole insects.

The Jagran company has tried asphyxia, refrigeration, freeze drying, boiling, and tearing. Managing Director Walter Jansen believes that shredding is the most humane.

The Kreca company kills its livestock insect by putting it in the refrigerator or freezing it. Insects destined for human consumption are first sterilized in hot water and then cooled or freeze-dried.

The FAO's "Edible insects" report shows: "Methods of killing insects that will alleviate suffering include freezing or instant techniques such as chopping."


While freezing is sometimes said to be a humane way to kill certain arthropods, others deny it. According to the "AVMA Guidelines for Animal Euthanasia," freezing is "not considered humane" when not preceded by other forms of anesthesia. The Coral and Aquarium Marine and Aquarium Association (BIAZA) from British and Ireland, the Invertebrate Floating Working Group (TIWG) reported a survey conducted by Mark Bushell of the BIAZA agency. He found that cooling and freezing were the most common method "of invertebrate euthanasia although research has suggested that this may be one of the least ethical choices." That said, freezing is the worst method if physical or chemical damage is not immediately possible.

Hobbyist entomophagy

Some "how" guidelines for eating insects do not mention clotting methods or other euthanasia methods. For example, Miles Olson recommends

  • strangle or bake ants
  • decapitate, dredge, and then boil, grill or sauté slugs
  • steaming and slicing snails
  • fry, roast, grill, choke, or drown the crickets
  • drown, squeeze, and then saute or chew the earthworm
  • eat raw aphids

and so on.

Insect Websites Does Food suggest cooling insects to slow them down without killing them, before boiling or cooking them.

Other guidelines recommend freezing first. Timothy Ferriss tells what he observed when baking insects without freezing them first: "Suffice to say, only the drugged crickets make terrible noises if you bake them, and the visuals are much, much worse. Do yourself a favor and freeze they."

Insect feed directly

Sometimes insects are not killed by agricultural companies but sold directly, for consumption by fish and pets. 95% of Kreca's insects are sold directly. Of the 1500 kg per week of mealworms produced by the Van de Ven company, most are sold as live feed.

Many suppliers of insects for reptiles offer bugs and live worms. Monitor lizards usually eat live insects and do not eat dead ones. Amphibians usually require live insects - are caught wild, planted at home, or bought at pet stores - although some such axolotl can be fed a piece of meat. It is generally difficult to convert reptiles and amphibians that feed on insects to kill prey, although some pet owners can feed dead insects by moving or hanging them. The bearded dragon can be fed dead crickets by hiding it in other foods, dangling them with tongs, spraying them with water, or shaking the bowl.

Pet spiders, praying mantides, and other insectivorous insects usually require live food. Hedgehogs can be fed live, freeze-dried, or canned insects.

Live worms and insects are usually used as fishing baits, with the result that they are eaten alive by fish or drowning.

Pin by Sandra Brown on veganism | Pinterest | Animal welfare ...

Cultivated insects are not used for proteins

Many vegans avoid honey and silk because this requires insect farming, although insects are not eaten. Silk production involves a silk worm that boils alive in their cocoon.

The red pigment carmine is produced from a powder-scale insect body, so some vegans avoid it.

Lak is produced from resins secreted by lac insects in certain Asian trees. Besides being used in industry, lakung is incorporated into some fruits, coffee beans, and candies as a confectionary glaze. Some vegans avoid confectioner glazes because lac bugs can be killed during lacquer production. Lac used to produce red dye may be even more dangerous for lac bugs because while shellac comes from lac-bug secretion, the color of lac dye comes from the body of the insect itself.

Feature: Why insects could be the ideal animal feed | Science | AAAS

See also

  • Animal farming
  • Insect euthanasia

Many legs of edible insects | Ento Infographics | Pinterest ...


Source of the article : Wikipedia
